Essays on Travelling

Tourism Industry In Maharashtra: An Untapped Area Of India

Abstract: The soil of India has been always lucky to have witnessed and helped several cultures to develop and cherish. India has been a cradle for various civilizations to mature and develop in various ways. It is a true sense of “Unity in Diversity”. The Indian culture teaches its followers to worship tourist as god...
1768 Words 4 Pages

Paris As Tourist Destination: Museums And Landmarks

Paris is the capital of France and the most highly populated city in the country with a population of 2.2 million. Since the 17th century Paris has been one of Europe’s major centres of finance, commerce, fashion, science and the arts, particularly well known for its museums and landmarks. In 2017, 23 million people visited...
1094 Words 2 Pages

Hiking: Importance Of Outdoor Activities

Background of the Study Health is wealth, is the famous saying which refers to the importance of health to the people. It is very evident in human lives. Keeping a good health, makes people always happy and gives that feeling of complete physical, mental, social and intellectual well-being. A good health can prevent diseases and...
2494 Words 5 Pages

Project Report On Hotel Room Booking System

Abstract: Hotel Room Booking System manages the support of a visitor’s bill during one’s stay at the lodging and withal the designation of spaces for them. This product will be utilized basically by the secretary who will be the principal staff part a visitor expectedly observes on entrance and also the last one before one...
538 Words 1 Page

Ecotourism: Counterproductive Conservation

For the past few decades, non-human primates have been deliberately habituated for the purpose of tourism and it has since developed into a profitable industry fueled by a strong market demand. Ecotourism is a controversial tool in terms of its sustainability as an effective conservation solution for primates. Ecotourism is best defined as responsible, low-impact...
2225 Words 5 Pages

Global Issues in Tourism: Sex Tourism

It’s thought that sex tourists are provoked by two motivational drives: psychological and physical needs. Two key propositions are addressed (1) The person’s level of perceived modernity relates to the perceived level of personal needs; and (2) The person’s level of perceived personal needs relates to the person’s desire of travel for sexual participation (Tepanon,...
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