Essays on Travelling

A Camping Trip In Why Not Socialism By G.A. Cohen

After reading Why Not Socialism by G.A. Cohen I’ve concluded that I respectfully disagree with his stance that Socialism is a better way to manage an economy than capitalism. Even though socialism sounds good on paper, I have found through readings and history that it doesn’t work well in the real-world. Cohen has the premise...

A Major Role Of Tourism For Turkey And The

The tourism industry is a booming and lucrative sector that governments find attractive as they have played a key role, as suggested by Page and Connell (2006:297) “tourism policies are often vehicles of national political ambitions seeking to harness the economic and the political benefits of a buoyant tourism industry”. This essay explores this in...
1906 Words 4 Pages

Hospitality And Guest Service Management In Hotels

Introduction Hospitality and guest service management are responsibilities for managing and handling customers and other hotel operations. He ensures that all functions are carried out smoothly and effectively. There is major role of this person to increase customer engagement and satisfaction. The responsibilities of guest service manager play a vital role in success of hotel....

Challenges In Managing Heritage Tourism Destinations

The term heritage tourism has been increasingly used to align to a number of phenomena ranging from art and architecture of historical sites or buildings to culture, religion, history and natural beauty (Prentice 1993). Heritage is an essential part of the culture of individuals upon which the sense of belonging within a nation is built....
1965 Words 4 Pages

Hilton Gatwick Airport: Individual Field Trip Report

1. Executive Summary In this report, Hilton London Gatwick Airport is used as an example to analyses and explain service quality. The report explain service quality by defining how service is perceived by customers and identifying in what ways service quality are affected. Later, managerial implications are given to address on the good and bad...
2206 Words 5 Pages

Tourism And Tourist Influx Evaluation In Rishikesh Town Of Uttarakhand

Abstract: Tourism is a major engine of economic growth and an important source of employment and foreign exchange in many countries including India. It has great capacity to create large-scale employment of diverse kind– from the most specialized to the unskilled and hence can play a major role in creation of additional employment opportunities. It...
2002 Words 4 Pages
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