Essays on Trust

Importance of Customer’s Trust and Loyalty: Analytical Essay

Analytical Essay As a digitally focused insurance platform, iGO4 is one of the market leaders in telematics. We also provide home, van and car insurance under the iGO4 brand, combining great customer service along with new and initiative technology helps us to ensure a good experience at competitive prices. This combination of great customer service...
1081 Words 2 Pages

Ethical policing in the UK: Problems of Maintaining Public Trust and Respect

Ethical policing in the UK faces complex and unpredictable challenges from numerous sources. Sir Robert Peel’s nine Principles of Policing (1829), collectively referred to as policing with consent, suggest that for the police to operate efficiently as an organisation the public must approve of their existence and provide their co-operation, and that the police are...

Key Differences between the OpenID and OAuth: Method to an Enhancement of the Trust in OpenID

OpenID comparison with OAuth2.0 and enhancement of the proof-of-rightful-possession limitation Abstract— The most used Authentication and Authorization protocols/frameworks nowadays are OAuth and OpenID. Both could provide to unrelated servers and services an Authentication and Authorization services that ensure the security and privacy of the user to avoid identity threats and the privacy of the Identity...
2718 Words 6 Pages

Role of Building Trust in Virtual Teams: Analytical Essay

The advantages of virtual teams: Retention of employees –Telework is considered as the popular perk at the workplace. It attracts computer-savvy employees. There are a lot of people how they would like to work from home. Increased productivity – Improves work productivity since employees experience less stress and eliminating travel and allowing some flexibility in...
1630 Words 4 Pages

Building and Sustaining Positive Relationships and Trust with Families: Needs of Students, Parents and Caregivers

Relationships play a vital role in the success of a school and its students. Parents, teachers, principals, faculty, staff, community members and stakeholders can all play a part in the achievement of our students. Henderson (2007) says that “research shows that students whose families are actively involved in their child’s school/education tend to get better...
2322 Words 5 Pages

Analytical Essay on Credibility and Trustworthiness of Online Reviews

1. Introduction Does anyone nowadays purchase a product or service without reading online customer reviews? The answer is: only very few people do. In fact, 82 percent of consumers read online reviews before purchasing a product (Kaemingk, 2019). Online reviews, a form of electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM), are defined as information created by an actual or...
2076 Words 5 Pages

Issues Concerning Trust: Survey of Solutions to IoT Security Issues Using Blockchain

Abstract: Internet of things (IoT) is indicating exponential development in industry and research fields, yet regardless it experiences security vulnerabilities. IoT gadgets procedure and trade information without human cooperation. Security issues will keep on expanding with such a template, particularly for confidential information, such as information gathered with increasingly more refined associated gadgets (framing the...
2276 Words 5 Pages

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