Essays on UK Politics

Separation Of Powers: The And The Modern Day German Constitutions Review

The United Kingdom and the modern day German constitutions arose out of completely different circumstances. The UK does not have a single codified constitution, instead, the constitution is formed from several sources, including statutes, case law and international treaties, which evolved from a long and varied history. It has never been thought necessary to consolidate...
989 Words 2 Pages

The Process Of Establishing Devolution In Scotland

The devolution is the transition / delegation of power to a lower level. It is a process which is designed to decentralise government and gives off more power to the 3 nations including England. Since 1999 the United Kingdom’s ways in how it was run has significantly changed since devolution. Scottish Nationalism had a large...
2217 Words 5 Pages

The Role Of Prime Minister In Implementing The Foreign Policy

This essay aims to establish the role the Prime Minister plays in setting, shaping and implementing foreign policy in the UK by exploring decision-making patterns by former Prime Ministers in the related field, as well as current government’s choices and aspirations on the international arena, and the contribution of Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and...
2541 Words 6 Pages

Comparing The Power Of Positions Of President And Prime Minister

Political systems vary from country to country and so do the political leaders. The leader of a country holds the most power over the nation under the title of a president or prime minister. Both of these titles hold power within different areas of government and law, but one’s power seems to be greater than...
1159 Words 3 Pages

The Difference Between English And Scottish National Identities

National identity plays a huge role in our perception of ourselves both as individuals and as part of a country. The U.K has had an interesting and complicated past full of political and territorial gains as well as losses. For a long time, the U.K was not united at all, it is not surprising therefore...
1535 Words 3 Pages

Brexit: Consequences For Business

On the 23rd June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union. The UK government has until March 2019 to negotiate the withdrawal terms. There has already been a lot of speculation on what benefits and effects this will mean for the UK business environment and multi-national companies operating in the UK. The United Kingdom...
1341 Words 3 Pages

The Negative Impact Of Brexit On Both EU And

Brexit a referendum of the UK leaving the European Union. It was held on June 23, 2016, with the territory of England voting 53.4% to 46.6%, Wales 52.5% to 47.5%, remaining 62% to 38% and 55.8% to 48% voted by Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively. European Union known as the EU is an economic and...
705 Words 2 Pages

Parliamentary Sovereignty Is An Outdated Concept And Is No Longer Relevant In Terms Of The Constitution

Parliamentary sovereignty has often been regarded as a fundamental principle of the UK’s constitution. This essay would be following the assertion that parliamentary sovereignty is outdated and irrelevant. Experts have argued for the limitations of parliamentary sovereignty to be recognized. This essay aims to outline the changes in the UK’s constitution and highlight the limitations...
2281 Words 5 Pages

Dicey And Parliament Sovereignty In Modern

According to Albert Dicey, Parliament “has under the English constitution the right to make and unmake any law whatever; and further, that no person or body is recognized by the law of England as having as having the right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament” [1]. This is known as the classic...
1552 Words 3 Pages
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