Essays on Ukraine

Ukraine: The War In Donbas And Implementation Of The Minsk Agreement

Introduction As the Ukrainian crisis has proceeded throughout the years since 2014, the focus of the conflict has shifted from the Crimean Peninsula to the war-torn eastern regions of Donbas. Different actors seek to influence these regions with the main parties being Russia and Ukraine. With the region suffering great casualties, several attempts to bring...
1895 Words 4 Pages

Military Interventions: Russia In Ukraine As A Case Study

Russian political actions Russia’s political elite in Ukraine implemented financial sanctions on Thursday, in frozen Russian assets, hundreds of politicians and officials, in addition to dozens of state-owned Ukrainian companies, the decree said that personal target companies will be frozen The financial and real estate assets in Russia will not be able to bring them...
2531 Words 6 Pages

Annexation Of Crimea By Russia: Critical Analysis

Introduction Following the horror of two world wars, the Charter of the United Nations was introduced in 1945 encouraging the pacific settlement of disputes and banning unilateral uses of force. As a result of this ban, in theory, there are only two instances where a use of force is lawful, namely with prior authorisation as...
2365 Words 5 Pages

Ukraine: Architecture, Fine Arts And Pop Culture

Ukraine’s culture is made up of a vast amount of material and spiritual values that have forged the country over the years. To understand Ukrainian culture you must first understand a little bit about the country as well as some of the history. Ukraine was not officially independent as a country again until 1991 when...
997 Words 2 Pages

Ukraine: Culture and General History

The world contains over one hundred unique countries each with their own culture and history. Each country has its own unique aspects to it, but there are also similarities between a multitude of countries. The focus of this paper will be on a single country, Ukraine. Ukraine is a European country with a diverse culture,...
2853 Words 6 Pages
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