United States Versus Canada: Comparative Essay

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For my essay I chose the United States and Canada, I will be talking about population, Economics such as GDP, per capita income, political structure, Agricultural background, Environmental information and religious type from the United States and Canada.

The first major difference between the United States and Canada is the population. The population of the united states is 329,256,465. The population of Canada however is 35,881,659, that is a significant difference and drop of population from what the number of the United States is and what the number of Canada is. I think the reason why Canada has that significantly low population is because the northern part of Canada is too cold for a large amount of people to live like in the United States where the country does not have that problem and people can live anywhere, any part of the United States. The northern part of Canada is, the ground is covered in permafrost and most of the Population lives near or around the border of the United States. The geography of Canada and the United States is a compare aspect because both the United States and Canada, both of the countries are located in the northern hemisphere, both are located in North America in terms of both countries geographic locations. They are neighbors, both countries are located next to each other. Now that I have talked about the two countries population and geography I will now talk about the two countries’ economies such as GDP and per capita income.

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The economics in the United States are good, the United States has a good economy technologically. ‘ The U.S. has the most technologically powerful economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $59,500(cia.gov pg.1)’. The GDP of the United States is 19.49 trillion as of 2017. The economics in Canada are good too like the United States their economy is similar to that of the United States in that both the United States and Canada have an economy that is based on markets both are market economies. The United States and Canada are also similar the way they both run their economies in that both countries operate production in a similar way. Another way that the United States and Canada are similar in their economy is that they both have similar standards of living which both are high. The economic GDP in the country of Canada is $1.774 trillion as of a 2017 estimate. The GDP of both countries, the United States and Canada is a contrast or a difference in that the United States has a much higher GDP number than Canada, and both Countries have the same economic structures in that their economic structures are both based on markets and that is what the economy is based on the markets, and they both have the same way of producing material in both of their economies, and both countries have the same standard of living which is good and high. The economy of the United States in terms of per capita income is $59,800 which is a 2017 estimate. The economy of Canada in terms of per capita income is $48,400. To me those two amounts of per capita income for both countries are not that far off both are close to one another. However, both are not the same either the United States per capita income is higher than that of Canada. Now that I have talked about the economy of both the United States and Canada I will now talk about the political structure of the two countries. How the two countries the United States and Canada’s political structure is similar or different.

The political structure or government type of the country the United States is that it is a constitutional federal republic. The political structure or government type of the country of Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy that is under a constitutional monarchy. As you can see this is a difference between the two countries the United States and Canada their government is different. Another main difference between the United States and Canada is that the United States has States and Canada has provinces. This I had a thought that maybe the reason Canada has Provinces and the United States has states is because of the different governments the United States and Canada has. The country of Canada has three territories that make up the land and governments of Canada. The country of the United States however does not have any territories that make up its government the country of the United States has 50 states that make up the governments in the United States. A similar aspect of the United States and Canada is the age of suffrage is the same for both countries the United States and Canada that age is the age of eighteen years old. Now that I have talked about the Political structure or governments of both the United States and Canada I will now introduce my next topic of discussion which is the agricultural background of both countries the United States and Canada.

The united States land that it uses for agriculture is 44.5 percent, arable land is 16.8%, permanent crops is 0.3. In the country of Canada, the land that it uses for agriculture is 6.8%, arable land is 4.7%, permanent crops is 0.5%. This is a difference in the agricultural background of the two countries the United States and Canada. The United Sates appears to use more land for agriculture than Canada. This is so I think because there are parts of Canada where you cannot use the farm land because it is too cold and frozen, and so I believe this is a factor as to why the country of Canada has a lower land use for agriculture than the United States. A comparison to the agricultural background of the United States and Canada is that both countries are suffering from problems in agriculture from the pressure of food production needing to go up. ‘Pressure to increase food production to meet the demands of a growing human population(United Nations, 2017) poses a challenge for wildlife conservation(E. Martin pg.1)’. Now that I have talked about the agricultural background of the two countries the United States and Canada I will now talk about the two countries environmental information.

The environmental information of the United States also has some information with current environmental issues. I will be talking about these environmental issues of the United States in greater detail. The United States current environmental issues are air pollution, it also has the environmental problem of being the largest emitter of carbon dioxide because of the burning of fossil fuels. The country of Canada however has different environmental problems than the United States, the country of Canada has the environmental problems of metal smelting, coal burning utilities, and vehicle emissions affecting agricultural productivity and also the productivity of forestry. The two countries of the United States and Canada are related in that they both have the environmental problem of air pollution. ‘signed but not ratified: Air pollution- volatile organic compounds(cia.gov pg. 1).’ Now that I have talked about the environmental information and similarities and differences of the United States and Canada in their environmental information I will now talk about the two countries religion types.

The religion type of the United States is that the majority religion in the United States is protestant which makes up 46.5 percent of the population. The religion type of the country of Canada that constitutes the majority religion is Catholic which makes up 39 percent of the Canadian population this also includes roman Catholicism. This is a difference in the religion type of the United States and Canada.

Works Cited

  1. “The World Factbook: United States.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html.
  2. “The World Factbook: United States.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html.
  3. Martin, Amanda E., et al. “Effects of Farmland Heterogeneity on Biodiversity Are Similar To—or Even Larger Than—the Effects of Farming Practices.” Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 288, Feb. 2020, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2019.106698.


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