Views On Presidency: John Adams Versus George Washington

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Throughout the history of the United States, we have had 45 Presidents lead this country. Ever since George Washington became the first president on April 30, 1789, to Donald Trump becoming the 45th on January 20, 2017. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were all different in their presidency beliefs and structures, but they all lead a great nation. Each of these presidents lived their life differently and had different views during their presidency

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was the eldest of his parents, Augustine and Mary Washington’s, children. At just the age of 11, George Washington inherited 10 slaves from his father. When Washington was 14 he wanted to join Army, but his mother denied him because he was too young. By the age of 16 Washington had a basic education in mathematics, reading, and other subjects, and he learned how to be a surveyor. George Washington was said to have had dental problems his entire life.

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Before he was president, George Washington was a commander in chief to the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Washington led the army to a grand victory over and had become a hero to the entire nation. During the election of 1789 Washington unanimously won with 69 electoral votes Washington had gotten the votes of every elector that was participating. No other president has ever unanimously won an election. Washington’s first vice president was John Adams who served 1789-1797, and his first cabinet was Thomas Jefferson as the secretary of state, Alexander Hamilton as the secretary of treasury, Henry Knox as the secretary of war, and Edmund Randolph as the attorney general.

George Washington continued to serve as president for two terms from 1789-1797, he refused to do a third term in fear of becoming corrupted.

After his presidency, George Washington returned to his home in Mount Vernon and repaired the damage that years of neglect had caused. Washington only got to live for 2 years after his presidency was over. On Thursday, December 12, 1899, George Washington was out supervising farming activities from late morning until 3 pm. While Washington was out the weather went from light snow to hail and rain. In the morning, Washington woke up with a sore throat and over the day his throat and breathing became progressively worse. On the night of December 14, 1899, George Washington died at the age of 67 surrounded by the people close to him.

John Adams was born on October 30, 1735, in Braintree, Massachusetts. He was the eldest of his parents’, Susanna Boylston and John Adams, children. His family was comfortable, but not wealthy. John’s father was a shoemaker and farmer, while his mother was a socialite. It was said that John Adams preferred life as a farmer but his father wanted him to receive a formal education. Adams excelled in school and was entered into Harvard at just the age of 15. Adams graduated in 1755 and continued on to study law.

John Adams was the second President of the United States from March 4, 1797, to March 4, 1801. Adams was also the first president to live in the white house even though he was the second president. John Adams was a delegate to the Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence. Adams only served one term because his first and only term did not go well. During his term, he passed some controversial laws such as for example, the Alien and Sedition Acts. The Alien and Sedition Acts would limit the activities of foreigners and reduce freedom of speech. Another thing Adams did was sign the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which ended the Revolutionary War. The members of John Adams’s cabinet 1797-1801 were Timothy Pickering and John Marshall as the secretary of state, Oliver Wolcott, Jr. and Samuel Dexter as the secretary of treasury, James McHenry and Samuel Dexter as the secretary of war, and Charles Lee as the attorney general. Adams lost the third presidential election to Thomas Jefferson, who was on the opposing political party.

After his presidency, John Adams lived a quiet life with his wife, Abigail. Adams died on July 4, 1826. John Adams had lived long enough to see his son, John Quincy Adams, become president on March 4, 1825. John Adams died of congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure is a condition that does not allow the heart to pump blood as well be. John Adams’s last words were “Thomas Jefferson survives”, but little did he know, Jefferson had died a couple of hours before him.


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