Essays on Visual Arts

Depiction Of Storm In Paintings

A gifted and imaginative child, Joseph Mallord William turner was the most original artist in the history of English landscape painting, Turner was fascinated by the effects of light. Turner had travelled widely and produced a vast amount of work, his style changed considerably over the years, ranging from accurate, topographical watercolours in his early...
1149 Words 3 Pages

Landscape Painting In Pakistan

Introduction: Landscape painting is a visual art genre which represents a view of countryside. It include natural scenery such as mountains, trees, rivers and forests etc. this genre has a huge history. Landscape painting was introduced as a genre for the first time in Chinese art by the 4th century. Before this Greeks and Romans...
2950 Words 6 Pages

Importance Of Design In The Fabrication Of A Product

Designing is the process of visualizing and planning the fabrication of a product. Everything in your surrounding is based on design. From the chair to the television. Not just the physical objects, even the virtual objects like motion graphics, brand logos or even the comics you read everything needs to be designed. Everything is designed...
591 Words 1 Page

Taste and Design Applied to the Fashion System: Literature Review

Literature Review Starting with a general introduction about the fashion system and what is meant for “good taste” this review will discuss how external factors such as good advertising, bizarreness, and marketing can affect the perception of a product. Besides, the paper focuses on the relation between fashion, good taste, and advertising. According to several...
1975 Words 4 Pages

Role Of Design Thinking In Human Life

Design thinking is applicable no matter the role or industry. Whether working in business, government, education, or non-profit, design thinking can help develop innovative solutions based on the needs of the people. Design thinking could be definitely a big surprise. If you make the right research or having inspiration you could create authenticity. Design thinking...
498 Words 1 Page

Traditional Chinese Art And Culture In Modern Art Design

Art has been utilised for communicating messages and educating people for centuries. Even artists from the early Western period used art in this manner. Because of this, the elements of their works hold significance (Baig, 2020). Graphic design, which is a form of art, involves the exchange of colour and graphics information transmission. Graphics are...
1955 Words 4 Pages

Roles And Responsibilities Of Designers, Advisers And Regulators, Design Needs Of The Client

P1 -Describe the roles and responsibilities of designers, advisers and regulators associated with building design A designer is an organisation or individual whose business involves preparing or modifying designs for construction projects, or arranging for, or instructing, others to do this. Designs include drawings, design details, specifications, bills of quantity and design calculations. Some responsibilities...
2957 Words 6 Pages

Modular Design: Definition, Practice And Possibilities

Intro Life is better now than it has ever been before. The current age of information and technology has allowed global communication at speeds never before seen. A combination of this and a capitalist climate has led to outsourcing to different regions so that products can be assembled rapidly and more cost-effectively. This has allowed...
3066 Words 7 Pages

Origami: Origin And Folding Techniques

The word origami comes from the Japanese words for fold paper. Originally, all the different folding techniques were named different things. It was not until later when all these paper folding techniques were grouped together into the larger category of origami. Origami is an artform from Japan where paper is folded to create a three...
789 Words 2 Pages

Digital Art As A New Art Form

Art is the process of using creative and imaginative skills that are typically expressed visually which primarily produces beauty or emotional feeling. Digital art, on the other hand, fairly similar to ‘art’, however instead of painting or drawing by hand, it is done digitally (mainly on a tablet). Legitimate form of art is an art...
531 Words 1 Page
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