Essays on Waste Management

Automatic Waste Segregation And Management

Abstract- With the development of smart cities, the idea of keeping the cities clean is the utmost requirement. The amount of garbage produced is too large and the manual efforts put in to process it is very dangerous. With evolution of technology in every field, automated ways can be adopted to prevent the piling of...
2583 Words 6 Pages

City Development: Mitigation and Waste Minimization

The purpose of the report is to learn about how to reduce the solid waste in city. Information came from the speaker who presented at the Nelson City Council (NCC) and spoke about mitigation and waste minimisation. There are two main points of interest: recycling for domestic household and enviro-schools. NCC is responsible for the...
585 Words 1 Page

Concept Of Waste Management In Great Britain

1. Waste management: Great Britain generates approximately a 290million tonnes waste in 2008 while the amount is decreasing by the time. According to Waste Atlas Platform, 3.0 billion tonnes solid waste was generated during 2012. The National Strategy for the Waste is a policy from the government, and in specially the Department for Environment, Food...
1206 Words 3 Pages

Current Manner Of Waste Management In Residential Areas

1. Abstract Garbage and other solid waste pose a great threat in residential areas and are attributed to hazards which cause pollution and health risks. Although, there is provision of dry and wet waste bins, only a handful of us take the time and effort to adhere to the rules and segregate the waste. In...
1253 Words 3 Pages

Household E-waste Management Of Malaysia

According to Household E-Waste Management of Malaysia, electronic waste or E-waste can be defined as broken, non working electrical or electronic appliances.These wastes are discardable and are meant to be reuse, resale, recycle or for disposal. In this rapid developing world, E-waste has been increasing day by day due to human actions and it is...
2445 Words 5 Pages
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