Essays on Weather

Arctic As A Broken Part Of The Earth’s Refrigeration System: Opinion Essay

Introduction In this short essay, I will briefly describe why I believe the Arctic is indeed a broken part of the Earth’s refrigeration system, discussing the main components of how it cools the Earth and how processes involving these components may be changing to reduce their effectiveness and influence on the Earth’s climate. Components: Arctic...
908 Words 2 Pages

General Overview Of Rainfall Pattern In East Africa

Rainfall is a renewable resource, highly variable in space and time and subject to depletion or enhancement due to both natural and anthropogenic causes. Therefore, knowing the variations in the general rainfall pattern is valid to understand the climate change variations. Rainfall occupies an important position in the climatic studies of any region as it’s...
476 Words 1 Page

Storm: General Overview Of A Hurricane

A hurricane is a storm with violent wind and often originated from tropical storms. Canada and the United States are countries that are often subject to destructive hurricanes, mostly in Category 5. This assignment mainly focuses on the hurricanes that occurred in North America. To begin, forty percent of total hurricanes occurred in the U.S....
722 Words 2 Pages

Rainfall Prediction Analysis Using Fuzzy Time Series In Nagapattinam

Abstract Rainfall is caused by a variety of meteorological conditions and the mathematical model for it is nonlinear. Forecasting is the process of predicting future outcomes, by which decision makers analyse the related data and graphs to decide and take the best decisions for the future. Multiple methods have been proposed to forecast the rainfall...
1676 Words 4 Pages

Depiction Of Storm In Paintings

A gifted and imaginative child, Joseph Mallord William turner was the most original artist in the history of English landscape painting, Turner was fascinated by the effects of light. Turner had travelled widely and produced a vast amount of work, his style changed considerably over the years, ranging from accurate, topographical watercolours in his early...
1149 Words 3 Pages

Storm: Impact Of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the inevitable issues facing globally today. A large population of those people who live in slums and shantytowns where they are most likely to put in danger and have the least of a chance to acclimatize to climate change. Because of that, many people are being affected and even animals...
554 Words 1 Page
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