Women Empowerment, Urbanization, Oil Prices, and Tourism in South Asian Countries: Analytical Essay

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Research methodology


This research made use of secondary data for the period from 1995 to 2018 to analyze the model of the study. The main sources of these data are the world development indicator (WDI). This study is regarding among women empowerment, urbanization, oil prices, and tourism in south Asian countries (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka).this study is different from previous study as we use (3SLS) three-stage least square method.

The detail about methodology, Variables and data sources, Econometric methodology, Sample size, data collection procedures, data analysis, threats to validity, and ethical procedure are provided in this section.

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Three-Stage Least Square

Annual data has been used for the period 1995-2018 in the present study. Data on tourism (Number of arrivals), Women Empowerment (Labor force participation rate), and Urbanization (Urban population annual %) are taken from World development indicator. simultaneous equation model is used for empirical purpose. For the estimation of simultaneous equation model, 3SLS (Three stage least square) is used as it is more efficient than 2SLS (Two-stage least square) method. Reason is that the 3SLS allows correlation between unobserved disturbances across various equations to be used in the analysis. Three-stage least squares estimates are more consistent and asymptotically more efficient than single equation estimates. Indeed it is the combination of multivariate regression and two-stage regression. Thus, 3SLS (three-stage least square) method has been adopted for the present study because of its advantages.

Variables and Data Sources

Total three (3) variables are being utilized as a part of the present study (Tourism, Women Empowerment, and Urbanization). The present study is based on time series data, for the time period of 1995-2018.The Present study collected annual data from WDI.This study purposed Tourism, women empowerment, and urbanization are dependent on each other. There are different studies around the world, which fused these variables (Chaisumpunsakul & Pholphirul, 2017; Dabeedooal, Dindoyal, & Allam, 2019; Friedmann, 2006; Hassan & Burns, 2014; Baig et al., 2017)The general functional form of the model is given as in the following:

Table 3.3: Variables description and sources

Variables Units Source

Tourism No of arrivals WDI

Women Empowerment Labor force participation rate WDI

Urbanization Urban population Annual % WDI

Econometric Methodology


URB=a2+b3WE+b4Tourism+t ………………………… Eq. 1


B1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6= Sloops of coefficients.

t =Time period

Sample Size

In the study at hand, I applied a population size without sampling; because of I have time series data for the time of 1995 to 2018, so I have no need to apply sampling technique. Therefore the data set for the tourism, women empowerment, and urbanization emerging covering observations of 24 yearly. Present study considered sample period for the time of 1995 to 2018 covering 24 years; for the selected variables tourism, women empowerment, and urbanization.A large sample size increases the tendency of to increase the power of statistical test and decrease the possibility of error type II, thus eliminate the chance of accepting wrong null hypothesis.

Population of the study

The target population for this research defined to include the six south Asian countries (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka). Annual data has been used for the period 1995-2018 in the present study.

Data Collection Procedures

In the present study, as the relationship is checked among selected macroeconomic, hence all variables are macro level data for the variables is taken from WDI (world development indicator). Total three (3) variables are being used in the current study (Tourism, women empowerment, and urbanization). The present study is based on time series data, for the time period of 1995-2018. The present study collected annual data from world development indicators.

Threats to Validity

The degree to which the discoveries of an exploration can be summed up to a bigger populace is one of the concerns of external validity. This implies non-representative specimens can be hazardous to this paper. In this study, the populace (emerging and growth-leading economies) was intentionally foreordained to guarantee that the thesis result could be made generalizable to the number of the population of interest.

As far as inward validity, I chose macroeconomic variables that were broadly utilized as a part of past studies as economic indicators and wiped out those macroeconomic variables that may tend to influence generalizability.

Ethical Procedures

To keep in mind research ethics, I cried out this thesis with full consideration of ethical consideration. I acknowledge all the sources from where I got material relevant to the research study, further, I analyzed data with fully care and honesty without any kind of manipulation to make result attractive or for any other kind of purpose


This chapter summarizes and concludes the dissertation by synthesizing results and insights from the preceding chapters. The section following the summary presents theoretical and policy implications in relation to tourism, women empowerment, and urbanization in south Asian countries (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka). Finally, future studies that can address the limitations of the present study are also considered.


Research Limitation

This dissertation highlights empowerment as a central component of an alternative policy structure for urbanization in South Asia. Tourism also an important component. Hence, several limitations also apply. Future studies that integrate an alternative urbanization framework may address these limitations

The research limitation related with study should be recognized. Firstly, this study solely analyzed the conception of the empowerment inside sampling across the state os south Asian nations. It should be mention here that, empowerment which is obtained by the tourism sector is solely a universal claims and site particular phenomenon regarding wither the empowerment or disempowerment cannot and should not be considered from such type of particular research. Furthermore, as the matter of fact, the most of south Asian states are the under-developing counties where we can say, tourism play a major role for the domestic growth product of that specific country.

Further investigation required on this study, as it has considerable number of limitations. Since aforementioned studies are provided on the bases on secondary data which is derived from the Asian states, where to conclude the research, interviews can be involved in study from the government point of view in order to examine the correlation among urbanization and tourism development. In addition to these, urban features such that stretchers, urban form, urban population, urban intensity, and so on may also influence the tourism development.

Research Implication

In view of the analyses above, the following policy implications apply.

The findings of the study have implications for practitioners, academic, and government. For practitioners, this study is helpful in order to discover the particular the perceived discrepancies between both male and female empowerment permit tourism sector. Further, as far as it is concerned about the academic perspective, this study also be strong foundation of groundwork for them empowerment without the gender discrimination in order to get tackle the antecedents to conception of empowerment (Boley et al., 2016). For government perspective, this study is economically helpful women empowerment lead an increase in tourism development.

Empowerment women played an important role in supplementing their families’ budget they shared in all kinds of decision making related to family affairs, they observed no gender discrimination. Rural community to extend the practice of empowering women for the sake of their improved standard of living (Chiao, Yang, Khoo-lattimore, & Arcodia, 2018).

Women can me more independent because of empowerment through that they can make decisions regarding child health, education, household size, self-esteem, and participation in the social life of existing community (Nassani et al., 2018).


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