Idea Of Spiritual Salvation In Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

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In Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, the idea to attain spiritual salvation is contained within the individual. The author put interest in character and he’s thinking, his belief in the possibility of human beings to submit to salvation through divine grace and to nature. Adapting to difficult situations and defeating hardships improves the idea that work and spiritual efforts can transform nature itself into the benefit of man.

Firstly, by working non-stop, Crusoe is trying to demonstrate his good Christian values through being a good steward of the material gifts of god. Taking what God is giving in terms of the land and improving upon it. The book itself is pointing out that we only need access to the Bible’s faith in god. In order to attain salvation, the book is also asking to consider all of these other aspect in reducing the individual in the state of nature. Crusoe fears not only physical beings as well as spiritual beings too. The idea of his faith is re-represented when he believes that he makes contact with the devil, or rather the devil is with him on the island but, he believes he has seen the devil himself. The devil has manifested himself in the figure of glowing red eyes. As many people of this time would also believe this to be the devil that has come to pass judgment upon him, Crusoe begins to let fear take hold of him. He uses this fear to motive himself. Throughout this story of adventure, he continually tests his previously unquestioned faith in God. He has an ever-growing internal struggle with the idea of a higher power and its ability to control the events of his life. He questions the idea of God as a whole and why Crusoe is being punished and what he is being punished for. He doesn’t believe himself to be an evil man and by no means has he lived a life of evil deeds. For one reason or another, God seems to be punishing him and he is not sure why. He even questions God and why he created the Devil, to begin with. Crusoe reaffirms the idea within himself that he is his reason for survival. The time when he believed God to be in control of his life has ended and his faith now resides in himself. Upon rescue, he does not go about his life as though he has had a spiritual experience. He remains the same as he did before the journey. He continues to own slaves and use them to work his plantations, no longer fearing the wrath of God.  

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