Morphological Processes of Indonesian Football Clubs: Analytical Essay

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There are many researchers do their research on morphological processes, but research on Indonesian football clubs is still limited and rare numbers. This study supported by previous study of (Refi Mayasari Buhari, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Sutiono Mahdi, 2019), is trying to figure out the dominant morphological processes found in the Indonesian culinary naming. The writer hopes this study can significantly advance Indonesian football clubs, and there will be no more cheating in the league. The method used by the writers in this study is the descriptive method. The method chosen is used to describe the football clubs in Indonesia as the data. The data are collected from Wikipedia, the football web sites, fan page sites, and some informants who can share their knowledge in football. First, from the data obtained, the writer classified the data into three classifications: League 1, League 2 and League 3. Then, the data are categorized into each type of morphological process: blending, compounding, and abbreviation. Related to the numbers of league data collected, the writer found that the dominant morphological process is blending. In conclusion, blending is the highest morphological process found in the data; it reaches fifty percent, the second is compounding, and abbreviation as the third.

Keywords: Indonesian Football Clubs, Morphological Processes.

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A. Introduction

There are many researchers do their research on morphological processes, but research on Indonesian football clubs is still limited and rare numbers. Morphology is the study of the structure of words and how words are formed.

According to (Lieber, 2009:2), “Morphology is the study of word formation, including the ways new words are coined in the language of the world, and the way forms of words are varied depending on how the arey used in sentences.”

Related to morphology, as supporting research from previous research of (Refi Mayasari Buhari, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Sutino Mahdi, 2019), this study is done to classify the types of Morphological Processes of Indonesian Culinary Naming. The writer takes a research on naming in the football clubs, especially in Indonesia. Unlike the quite varied culinary naming, the naming of a football club is fairly similar, the only difference being the name of the region. There are many interesting things to discuss in the sports field, but the writer will discuss the naming of football clubs, especially in Indonesia. According to (Luxbatcher, 2008:2), “Soccer (football) is a match played by two teams, every 11 members. Each team defends the goal and tries to break the opponent’s goal.” According to KBBI, “The football club is an association that organizes football events.”

Football is the most popular sport in Indonesia. It is played on all levels, from children to adults. Therefore, the writer will discuss the naming of Indonesian football clubs. From the naming, the writer will analyze the morphological processes.

People especially those who are unfamiliar with football, don’t know about the name of the football clubs, some people and are confused by its naming, and there are even several clubs with the same name, but different regions. It makes some people not interested in watching it because the naming of a football club begins with Per- that means ‘Persatuan’ or in English is ‘united’. Some people think that it is not creative and does not show the identity of each of their respective regions, as a foreign football club.

Regardless of the issue in the community, the naming of football clubs in Indonesia is fairly equal, the only difference being the name of the area of the city or district.

The writer hopes this study can significantly advance Indonesian football clubs, and there will be no more cheating in the league. The writers try to classify the data of morphological processes into League 1, League 2, and League 3.

B. Methodology

The method used by the writer in this study is qualitative by descriptive method. The method chosen is used to describe football clubs in Indonesia as the data. The data are collected from Wikipedia, the football web sites, fan page sites, and some informants who can share their knowledge in football.

C. Analysis

The data are collected from Wikipedia, the football web sites, fan page sites, and some informants who can share their knowledge in football. From the data analyzed, the writers found three different types of morphological processes of Indonesian Football Clubs: blending, compounding, and abbreviation.


One of the morphological processes is blending. It is found from the data obtained that blending is the dominant process. It is from the total of the number of blending. It shows that the highest number of morphological processes found in the data is blending.

According to (Rochelle Lieber, 2009), “Blending is a process of word formation in which parts of lexemes that are not themselves morphemes are combined to form a new lexeme.” Familiar examples of blends are words like brunch, a combination of breakfast and lunch, or smog, a combination of smoke and fog. The followings are examples of blending:

  • 1. Persebaya
  • 2. Persela
  • 3. Persib
  • 4. Persija
  • 5. Persipura

The words Persebaya, Persela, Persib, Persija, dan Persipura are categorized into blending. First, the word Persebaya is a blending from Persatuan, Sepakbola, and Surabaya. Then the word Persela is a blending from Persatuan, Sepakbola, and Lamongan. Third, the word Persib is a blending from Persatuan, Sepakbola, and Bandung. Next, the word Persija is a blending from Persatuan, Sepakbola, Indonesia, and Jakarta. Last, the word Persipura is a blending from Persatuan, Sepakbola, Indonesia, and Jayapura.


According to (Rochelle Lieber, 2009), “Compounds are words that are composed of two or more bases, or stems.” For example, windmill, icy cold, greenhouse, and sky blue. The followings are examples of compounding:

  • 6. Berlian Rajawali
  • 7. Pelita Jaya
  • 8. Sinar Harapan

The words Berlian Rajawali, Pelita Jaya, and Sinar Harapan are categorized into compounding. The combination of the two words becomes a new meaning. The words Berlian Rajawali comes from berlian ‘diamond’, and rajawali ‘eagle’. So that means ‘eagle diamond’. The second, the words Pelita Jaya comes from pelita ‘light’, and jaya ‘glorious’. So that means ‘glorious light’. The last, the words Sinar Harapan comes from sinar ‘ray’, and harapan ‘hope’. So that means ‘ray hope’.


According to (David Crystal, 2013), “An abbreviation is the shortened form of a word.” For example, the U.S.A for the United States of America. The followings are examples of abbreviation:

  • 9. PSIS
  • 10. PSM.

The words PSIS and PSM are abbreviation. First, the word PSIS is an abbreviation of Persatuan, Sepakbola, Indonesia, and Semarang. The last, the word PSM is an abbreviation of Persatuan, Sepakbola, and Makassar.

D. Conclusion

From the analyzed data, it is concluded into three different morphological processes: blending, compounding, and abbreviation. Related to the numbers of league data collected, the writer found that the dominant morphological process is blending. In conclusion, blending is the highest morphological process found in the data; it reaches fifty percent, the second is compounding; it reaches thirty percent, and abbreviation as the third; it reaches twenty percent.













  1. Lieber, Rochelle. (2009). Introducing Morphology. New York: Cambridge University Press. Wikipedia. (Last revision 2019). Daftar tim sepak bola di Indonesia.
  2. d=16375124 (Diakses pada tanggal 15 Desember 2019)
  3. Bitebrands. (2016). Logo Klub Sepakbola Indonesia Terbaik. (Diakses pada tanggal 15 Desember 2019)
  4. Crystal, David. (2013). Abbreviation. (Diakses pada tanggal 29 Desember 2019)
  5. Wikipedia. (Last revision 2019). Persija Jakarta. (Diakses pada tanggal 17 Desember 2019)
  6. Wikipedia. (Last revision 2019). PSM Makassar. (Diakses pada tanggal 17 Desember 2019)
  7. Wikipedia. (Last revision 2017). Olahraga di Indonesia. (Diakses pada tanggal 29 Desember 2019)
  8. Seputar Pengetahuan. (2017). Pengertian Sepakbola Menurut Para Ahli Terlengkap. ahli-terlengkap.html (Diakses pada tanggal 27 Desember 2019)
  9. MayasariBuhari, Refi & Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Eva & Mahdi, Sutiono. (2019). Morphological Processes of Indonesian Culinary Naming A Study of Morphology. Annual Conference on Language and Tourism IV. Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Sebelas April Sumedang.


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