Essays on Pet

Analytical Essay on Behavioral Issues of Domestic Cats

Discussion Behavioural issues are the most common reason for domestic cats to be euthanised (Overall et al., 2005) and 77% of cat owners in the UK want to change at least one of their cat’s behaviours (PDSA, 2019). As a result, the importance of understanding cat behaviour and decreasing abnormal behaviours is highlighted. According to...
2420 Words 5 Pages

Toxoplasma Gondii in Feline Cats: Analytical Essay

Abstract Toxoplasma gondii is a severe eukaryotic parasite from the phylum which infects up to one-third of the world population. Although most infections are asymptomatic, some cause tumours which form in the eyes, and can lead to life threatening complications, infections affecting the central nervous system in homo sapiens when contracted through the womb or...
3093 Words 7 Pages

Breed as a Predictor of Risk: Critical Analysis of Pit Bulls

In comparison, a study into the effectiveness of BSL in Manitoba, Canada in 2012, determined that BSL may indeed have resulted in a reduction in dog-bite injury hospitalisations (DBIH), though the outcome of the study has been called into question. Their original Province-wide findings were that – in jurisdictions with BSL – there were “no...
696 Words 2 Pages

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