The Ultimate Gift: Movie Review

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In the movie “The Ultimate Gift” Jason, a spoiled young man who does not understand the importance of his blessings, receives a series of twelve gifts from his grandfather.

The first gift was the gift of work. He was sent to work at a ranch for a month, having never worked a day of his life. At first, he did it grudgingly, however, he learned to appreciate his work, becoming satisfied with his work on the fields. His next gift was the gift of money. After losing all of his money at the beginning of the story, he received a check for his labor on the ranch for $1500. He uses this money to pay for his friend Alexia’s rent. He learned that it is more important to give than to receive. He found that no matter how poor his financial situation was, there is always someone who is in a worse situation. His third gift was the gift of friendship. Jason began his journey with no true friends. His girlfriend left him after his credit card was canceled, and so did all of his “friends.” No one that he once knew would take him in after losing his belongings. He was instructed to find one true friend.

After becoming friends with Emily, he gains a different perspective on life and the world around him. The following gift was the gift of learning. It is found that his grandfather, Red, never had a proper education, whereas Jason had the privilege of going to the best schools and universities. Despite this, Jason never appreciated or took advantage of his knowledge. In this gift, Jason was sent to a small village in a foreign country, where a library in his name stands. He experiences a completely different culture, and his experience led him to understand and openness to new places. His fifth gift was the gift of problems.

Jason was stripped of his money and belongings, but he realized that people were suffering from much greater problems. He learned of Emily fighting cancer, her mother struggling to pay their bills, and of Mr. Hamilton losing his wife at a young age. His next gift was the gift of family. Jason’s family was very wealthy and well known, however, it was full of broken relationships. He was encouraged to get some good out of his family, so he decided to meet with them for thanksgiving. Although they all had negative reactions, he learned one important thing. He is capable of creating a positive family himself, starting with Alexia and Emily. He then received the gift of laughter. When he spends time in the small foreign village, he learns that the people there, although in rough conditions, are still able to laugh and have a good time.

His eighth gift was the gift of dreams. His grandfather believed that the gift of dreams was one of the most important gifts. Jason learns that his dream was to help others. His next gift was the gift of giving. He learned that although he may not have much to give, he could still give generously by helping others, and offering what he does have. His tenth gift was the gift of gratitude. He learned that in order to have a good attitude, he should be thankful for his blessings, and not take them for granted.

His eleventh gift was the gift of a day. He is asked by Emily, who is near death if he could fulfill her dream of riding a horse. However, it turns out she was fulfilling her mother’s dream. He provided both Emily and her mother with a perfect day. His last gift was the gift of love. Jason learns of the gift of love through the yearlong journey of gifts that he received. He developed a strong love for Emily, such that of a daughter, and her death greatly impacted him. He also developed a romantic relationship with Alexia. It was different from any other before, because it was true love, unlike with his past girlfriend who only wanted his money.

Overall, Jason’s experiences had a huge impact on his life. His character was strengthened, and he developed a greater understanding of the purpose of life.


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