Comparative Analysis Of The Youth System And Sweden Youth System

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Youth justice is a (topic of interest/ or something else, the word discussion doesn’t work here) discussion in the public eye and in the politics department,(full stop) the youth system can be an advantage and disadvantage in legal and social areas. (;)In this essay the aim is to (look at/assess) compare the youth justice of the United Kingdom and Sweden (,) to see what they have in comparison, also what could be different about both countries.

(This essay will assess the youth justice of the United Kingdom (UK) and Sweden to see what has been achieved and how they differ.)

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Looking at legal sides of youth justice (,) and how they deal with (manage the) youth in both countries, what procedure are implemented (what are you trying to say here? This doesn’t make sense). The aim of youth justice in the UK (,) according to Pitts & Bateman (2005 pp26) (,) (is) ‘’to reduce crime and fear of crime, tackle youth crime and violent, sexual and drug-related crime, anti-social behaviour and disorder, in creating safety in the home and public places.’’ from the quoted words above it align to have more information on how and what both countries are doing to make sure these things are implemented. (this sentence doesn’t make sense)

Main body

Age of criminality of justice

According Pitts & Bateman (2005 pp12), ‘’ in England and Wales, for example, the age of criminal responsibility is 10, whereas in Scandinavian countries it is 15. One of the reasons these countries have less juvenile crime is that 10 to15 year old Scandinavians, like under (-)10s in England and Wales, are deemed incapable of committing a criminal offence’’, which tells us a lot more of youth justice concerning age in the UK.

In Sweden (,) According to Winterdyk 2002 ‘’ social authorities, rather than the police, handle youth under the age (of) 15. Criminal responsibility begins at 15.’’ (;) From what we can see that in Sweden the age of criminality in youth justice is different.

From what we can see with the comparison of the two countries have different age range of criminal responsibilities, knowing that the two country feel that certain kids are not fully grown enough to make certain decision while another feel at the age 15 you are responsible for your actions.

Welfare approach

In the UK welfare of the youth is important According to Muncie j (2009) ‘’ the key formal principle underlying all work with young offenders is the ensuring of their general welfare. The children and young person act 1993 established that all courts should have primary regard to the ‘welfare of the child’; a requirement that is still in force today.’’, we now have information of the welfare of youth justice in the UK and how they protect the youth.

For Sweden according to youth justice in Sweden (2004) ‘’Offenders under age twenty are dealt with in regular criminal courts. Some special policies apply to young defendants, including waivers of prosecution, restrictions on prison sentences, and handing over offenders to the local social welfare committee’’

We can see that in Sweden there are some actions in place for the welfare of youths in Sweden, which are restricted to certain ages, which can be a disadvantage or advantages to certain youths.

As you can see that both countries handle welfare differently and it still comes down to age restriction and trying their best to bring n legislation and rules to protect and help youth in both countries.


According to home office (1997) ‘’we know a good deal about the factors which are associated with youth crime. Research has confirmed that key factors related to youth criminality are:

  • Being male
  • Being brought up by a criminal parent or parents
  • Living in a family with multiple problems;
  • Experiencing poor parenting and lack of supervision;
  • Poor discipline in the family and at school;
  • Associating with delinquent friends; and having siblings who offend.’’

From the information above and the data collected it shows that male are more likely to be involved in which related to youth justice in the UK government, it also shows us that male youth are more to be involved in youth justice.

Also, according to home office (1997) ‘’according to statistics based on crimes which have been resolved by the police, the great majority of juvenile crime-like adult crime- is committed by males. There were 142,600 males aged 10-17 convicted or cautioned in 1996 and only 34,400 females’’, we can see that youth justice is different for girls than it is for boy in the UK due to the statistics you can see above

Looking at the gender relation in Sweden to do with the youth justice, while researching, it shows that there not much evidence or more information on gender in youth justice in Sweden, they are all in one umbrella when it comes to youth justice in Sweden according to Hans von hoofer (2010) ‘’This article confronts the public belief of increasing juvenile violence with systematic criminological data from crime statistics and other sources. Based on police and court statistics, as well as data from victimization studies and cause-of-death statistics, it is concluded that there is good reason to believe that Sweden is currently experiencing an ‘enforcement wave’ with regard to juvenile violence (particularly in the youngest age brackets), which reinforces the image of dramatic increases in the level of juvenile violence.’’, As you can see that there are not much information about gender but all the youth justice shows that there no segregation between male and females in Sweden but we can see that there are lot of issues with youth in Sweden concerning crime and youth justice.

Looking at the gender differences between Sweden and the United Kingdom is very interesting to see how Sweden have their youth justice in one umbrella, also to see the United Kingdom showing us that young males are more likely to be involved in crime and be affected by the youth system in theUnited Kingdom, it also shows that possibly there not much information from Sweden due to lack or reports being used to the best of ability for the government or not being recorded correctly by the government in the police department.

The role of the government.

The role of the government is very vital when it comes to youth justice in the united you, the government do play a massive part in the justice department, which can affect the youth in our society, the youth deserve the best judgment due to the crime they commit, conferring to Home office (1997) ‘’ the government believes that there’s has been confusion about the purpose of the youth justice system and the principles that should govern the way in which young people are dealt with by the youth justice agencies. Concerns about the welfare of the young person have too often been seen as in conflict with the aims of protecting the public, punishing offenses and preventing offending’’ from the above quote we can see that the UK government are trying to have a big impact on the youth justice in the UK, trying to put the youth justice right.

Also according to the home office (1997) quoting ‘’but all agencies dealing with young offenders also have a responsibility to deliver the aims of the youth justice system of which they are part. Preventing offending by young people is key aim: it is in the best interests of the young person and the public.’’ Having more information of what the government are doing or thinking of the youth justice.

Looking at youth justice and what the government are trying to do, I can see that youth justice its showing us that the government play a bit part and are trying to put certain things in place, they are doing their best to make youth justice fairer and also better for the youth that are committing crimes, also defending youth against the youth justice system in the United Kingdom.

Regarding Swedish government involvement with youth justice According to Martin (2005) ‘’ Sweden’s approach to juvenile justice process is typical of the Scandinavian systems. Sweden has enacted national legislation that establishes national laws on the treatment of children. By American standards, these laws are very intrusive, because they prohibit behaviours by parents within the household that many in the United States would consider to be no one else’s business. For example, Swedish law prohibits corporal (physical) punishment, including spanking. Children rights are taken very seriously, and the government has assumed responsibly to assure the protection of children’’ reading this it shows that the Swedish government are playing a major part in the Swedish justice system and implementing rules and regulation on child protection, making sure that the kids or they youth are being protected and being treated fairly with the Swedish laws.

Tackling the cause of youth crime

The cause of youth crime can start from different things such as neglect, not being loved at home, no family support, poverty, for example, Banks (2013) ‘’ this approach is psychological in nature and attempts to restructure offenders cognition- the mental process of knowing, thinking, judging and problem-solving and to assist in learning new cognitive skills. The thinking behind these approaches is that an offender has thoughts and values that support antisocial activity and devalue pro-social activities like work, education and relationship. Thus, effective cog help offenders: they define the problems that led to the offense; select future goals; adopt new pro-social ways of thinking; and implement these solutions’’ from the statement above it shows us the reader that, having such behaviour solutions could help to stop a lot offenders not to re-offend and also help the UK to stop a lot of youth committing crimes and have a better justice.

We can see that in the UK the majority of the blame are actually toward the family on why there are a lot of youth in crime in the UK for example Canter D & Young D(2009) ‘’ It seems very likely that violent offenders’ narratives are distorted from their earliest years. When a growing child is unsure about his or her identity, and as to which life story is appropriate, he or she will turn to the possibilities offered by the narratives around which often include violence and exploitation of others ‘’ as you can see that the statement is telling us that it does start from early years and if a kid are not getting loved by families or loved ones they tend to look at other things such as violence to get their frustration out and that will make the youth in the United Kingdom to commit crimes in the UK.

This is where families are of major importance in youth in the society, if families are responsible for these kids by also making a big impact, there would not be a high percentage in youth crime in the UK.

TAS j & Decker s (2008) ‘’ both academics and politician have interpreted these dramatic increases as reflecting a corresponding increase in juvenile violence. One problem with this interpretation is, however, that the increase is preceded by a clear change in public awareness of the juvenile crime. ‘’youth violence’’ became the focus of media in the summer of 1986, and politicians started campaigns, appointed commissions and amended legislation’’. From the quoted statement above, we can see that in Sweden there are much prevention from tackling youth crime, not much information or background telling us things that the Swedish government are doing to prevent crime.

Looking at both countries there is a difference in preventing crime so that the youth won’t be involved in youth justice, we can see that United Kingdom are trying and making effort to stop youth crime, while Sweden may not have the facilities or the right team to try and tackle youth crime in Sweden, that difference shows us that depending on countries certain things like youth crime or youth justice may not be priority to certain government.


In this essay you can see the differences and also the comparison youth justice of both Sweden and the United Kingdom, to some extent you can see some similarities and differences, for example in the United Kingdom they have more facilities and also the government are doing so much to help the youth justice to be better and greater, while the youth justice in Sweden there not much concern or help to make the youth justice Better, but there minimal effort, which shows some sort of progression in the Swedish capital.

One of the things that could be done better for both countries to try to help families to prevent youth crime and also to have more data collected and facilities to help both countries to have a better youth justice that helps the government to be better and also the lives of the youth in both countries.


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