Essays on Distracted Driving

Self Driving Cars As A Way To Tackle Distracted Driving

Face it, the future is here, and most people are aware of all the changes. Every day people realize that something will be or has been innovated. One of the biggest and most visible changes are self-driving cars, which are becoming even more technologically advanced, but can they really be beneficial to the safety of...
1804 Words 4 Pages

Motor Vehicle Crashes: Causes And Prevention

Traffic accidents are the eighth major cause of death globally, according to WHO (Thomas, 2018). In 2016, motor vehicle crashes peaked at 1.35 million. In fact, “traffic deaths are now the leading global cause of deaths for children and young adults between 5 and 29 years old” (Thomas, 2018, para. 4). Just in South Dakota,...
1165 Words 3 Pages

Causes Of Motor Vehicle Accidents

The 21st century revolves around and depends on cars and motor vehicles. Every day millions of people use these machines for work, play, and everything in-between. The increasingly large-scale use of motor vehicles is jaw dropping but the more concerning and troubling issue is the shear number of deaths and injuries that occur because of...
3131 Words 7 Pages

Self-driving Cars: Ensuring Safety On The Road

Self-driving cars will be a part of our future and very important to our everyday life. In the next 5 years or less we will have fully self-driving cars. These cars are not your regular cars, they are explained in their name, they are cars that drive themselves after a destination is a set into...
1348 Words 3 Pages

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