Essays on Entertainment

Cultural Revolution In China: Eight Model Revolutionary Operas

Music has an intrinsic role in political communications where various studies have explained how music can be used as a means of understanding and/or reflecting politics, especially through (but not limited to) protest, propaganda, and national anthems. Provided that music is perceived as a political tool, it can be manipulated to influence masses of people...
2807 Words 6 Pages

Film Review Of Blade Runner: Opinion Essay

Blade Runner was originally released in 1982, it is a movie with hybrid genre, which combines both film noir and science fiction. Hybridization in general is considered as a post-modern behavior, as we will see in details, Blade Runner is also introducing a hybrid architectural design of future Los Angeles in the year of 2019,...
1002 Words 2 Pages

Anime And Manga: History Of Development

In this use case I will be looking at how anime/manga has spread out and circulated throughout the world using a large fan-base, modern-day technology and through the available online societies. The main reason for the circulating of manga is the major fan base it has built globally over the last couple of years. Everywhere...
1995 Words 4 Pages

Influence Of Audrey Hepburn: Opinion Essay

From the time I was a young kid I absolutely adored movies, my mom was always busy working and my dad stayed at home with me. He had responsibilities as well so he would throw on an old movie to keep me entertained. I remember one of the movies he turned on was “Roman Holiday”...
499 Words 1 Page

Racism in the Movie: The Green Mile

Frank Darabont wrote and directed the movie The Green Mile. The name “green mile” stems from the floor of Death Row, which is green. The film centers on the relationship between the white and the black race. The Green Mile delivers a tale of saddening spiritual uncertainty through shifting to and from extreme poles: it...

Patch Adams And Her Influence On My Medical Career

Hippocrates once said, “Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity”, and I have always kept this message in mind. However, when I entered UP College of Medicine, I was concerned that my empathy would make me overly involved with my future patients. While passing through the halls of...
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