Essays on Film Analysis

Psychology In Forrest Gump

The goal of this paper is to introduce and examine the 1994 film Forrest Gump. More specifically, it will analyze the character of Forrest Gump as it relates to human development and psychology. The character of Forrest Gump in the film portrays many characteristics of psychology, such as emotion, adult development, limited IQ, behavior, and...

Concept Of Religion In Persepolis

When the movie starts in 1978, Marjane is represented as a little girl who is intellectually awake and open to the world. She is already aware of her parents’ political convictions. However, she is not sure, she seems curious to test everything like the revolutionaries. Unsure of the end, they have the means. Transported by...
1035 Words 2 Pages

Film Analysis Of A Docudrama Deepwater Horizon

Film Summary The film, Deepwater Horizon, is a docudrama based on the true story of the disaster that took place, causing the immense BP oil spill. The main character in the movie are Mike Williams, James Harrell (Mr Jimmy), David Vidrine, Robert Kaluza and Andrea Fleytas. The film is set on the Transocean oil rig,...
2456 Words 5 Pages

People Change In The Truman Show

In life, people change. People change every day, because of the challenges they experience and the people they meet. In “The Truman Show”, Truman’s personality changes throughout the movie. At the beginning of the movie, Truman is unaware of the odd occurrences around him, later Truman’s personality changes to borderline psychotic. At the end of...

Ethnic And Religious Conflict In Hotel Rwanda

Ethnicity and religion have been the cause of many conflicts around the world. This persecution due to fundamental differences has been illustrated throughout history, seen in the works of Elie Wiesel’s Night to Paul Rusesabagina’s The Ordinary Man and the movie based on the same experience, Hotel Rwanda. Destruction and disparity has stemmed from uncensored...

Purity As Seen In Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away

Spirited Away is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most well-known Japanese film producers to date. Hayao Miyazaki hand draws all of his story boards and then when he satisfied with his work it is digitized, earning him the nickname of “Japanese Walt Disney”. The works of Miyazaki tell obscure tales...

Catch Me If You Can: Film Analysis

There are moments in everyone’s life where they crave a connection, although they do not get an opportunity because of absences of consistency. The thing is, we need these connections to be fulfilled. Our brain does not function properly without a root system. We need favourable bonds with friends, family and a location. Human connection...

Representation Of Sharks In Films: Jaws And Sharknado

“The great fish moved silently through the night water, propelled by short sweeps of its crescent tail.” These are the opening lines of a book unimaginably iconic, it prompted the making of 4 movies, Jaws written by Peter Benchley. This book is one of Benchley’s many books about the deep blue and what lies there...
560 Words 1 Page

Aladdin Versus The Nightmare Before Christmas: Comparative Essay

In my essay I will be talking about composition in the films ​‘Aladdin’​ (2019) directed by Guy Ritchie and ​‘The nightmare Before Christmas’ ​(1993) directed by Henry Selick. I will be talking about how they both communicate the meaning of change in scene 1, for example in ​Aladdin​ they explore the meaning of change negatively...
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