Essays on Global Economy

Challenges Of Running An International Business

International business encircles all the commercial activities that are done to promote the transfer of goods, resources, ideas, services, people and technologies across national borders. It is one of the most dominant styles of doing business in this competitive world. People see its manifestations all around them, from McDonald’s golden arches in a Chinese city...
1895 Words 4 Pages

Competitive Advantage: Key Factors And Ways Of Acquiring

Companies are constantly pressured as they continuously face issues with profitability, growth and sustainability to survive in today’s fiercely competitive business environment. The current dynamic business environment forces firms them to distinguish themselves apart from one another as well as the ability to quickly adapt and change to maintain relevancy or achieve desirable levels of...
2014 Words 4 Pages

The Importance Of Culture In International Business

The word ‘Culture’ is a complex word of the English Dictionary encompassing vast and diverse meanings. According to one source, it is defined as, ‘The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people…’ (Cambridge Dictionary 2018). Hence the culture of a society, community or a group serves as...
1737 Words 4 Pages

International Trade Policies And Regulations

1.1. International Policy & Environmental Regulations International policy and the environment do not always go “hand-in-hand”. There are so many obstacles to consider. Most international trade deals generally collapse before they have even begun. This is due to environmental concerns. A recent trade deal attempt was between India. Although India needed the Barley for their...
2189 Words 5 Pages

Trade War Between US And China And Its Implications On The Global Economy

In today’s 21st century, global economy is driven with severe competitions amongst ambitious countries where there prevails major economic conflict amongst each other. The world-wide economic activity among these countries that are inter-related and adversely affect each other’s economic status. In the past few decades, we can witness clash of different nations with regard on...
1563 Words 3 Pages

The Impact Of Globalization On International Business

Context Since the late 19th century globalisation has slowly edged into the world and only recently has caused major shifts, creating the world we live in today. Globalisation has created the ability for business to be conducted on an international level, integrating the world and sharing new discoveries and knowledge. International business has become a...
2341 Words 5 Pages

Assessing Amazon's Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Over the last decades, Amazon emerged as the biggest e-commerce platform with a revenue of 230 Billion USD in 2018 (Nasdaq 2019), staying ahead of its competition. Such a position is often referred to as competitive advantage (CA), defined as the implementation of a value-creating strategy which cannot simultaneously be copied by any competitor. Sustainable...
998 Words 2 Pages

Competitive Advantage And Porter's Generic Strategies Model

Competition is one of the biggest factors when it comes to determining the success or failure of a firm. Sustainable Competitive Advantage is when an organization implements a value generation strategy that is difficult for current and potential competitors to imitate (Barney, 1991). Michael Porter (1985) found a modern way in which companies could gain...
1096 Words 2 Pages

Principles And Components Of International Trading System

Traditionally, trade was regulated through bilateral treaties between two nations. After the World War II, as free trade emerged as the dominant doctrine, multilateral treaties like GATT and WTO became the principal regime for regulating global trade. Trade is a basic economic concept involving the buying and selling of goods and services, with compensation paid...
1922 Words 4 Pages

Literature Analysis Of Articles Dedicated To The Issues Of The World Economy

The world economy investigation is confronting a juncture of dangers, which could seriously upset monetary action and deliver huge harm on longer-term improvement prospects. Financial movement in late 2018 and mid 2019 was more fragile than anticipated including a portion of the area’s biggest nations. It will influence a few of nation, for example, Thailand,...
954 Words 2 Pages
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