Essays on Honour-Based Violence

Prostitution: Physical And Psychological Effects

Prostitutation Many prostitutes extinguish their emotions while they are with customers. At least that is the case for Roberta Victor, a prostitute who was interviewed in Working by Studs Terkel. At the outset of her interview, Victor claims that “The role one plays when hustling has nothing to do with who you are” (57). However,...
2054 Words 5 Pages

Offender Recidivism: The Effects Of Motivational Risk Factors

Recidivism is an inclination to return to a previous state of mind, where one may have committed crimes, both misdemeanors and felonies. One of the main concerns of recidivism, or reoffending, is the rate at which prisoners are released and recommit crimes, motivational factors. The cause of recidivism is mostly determined as psychological, or from...
1014 Words 2 Pages

Sexual Harassment In Pakistan

Executive summary Sexual Harassment is a topic of concern throughout the world. This study investigates various elements leading to sexual harassment experience of females at workplace The study was undertaken in a banking sector using sample of 250 females working in different branches of banks located in Lahore (Pakistan), drawn by employing three-stage sampling technique...
2271 Words 5 Pages

Prostitution: Crime Or Legal Activity

The majority of people around the world believe prostitution should be Treated as a crime. Perhaps you are one of them? In my opinion it should be legal. You may disagree. However, this essay might change your opinion. Granted, most people view prostitution as disgusting, immoral, unladylike… some people also object on religious grounds that...
1040 Words 2 Pages

Role Of Trauma And Child Development

Abstract Multiple past studies were done in relation to childhood maltreatment or violence and then looked at the relationship they hold to the adolescent or adult-aged individual. By looking into the lives of certain individuals, and comparing them with possible violence that occurred in their childhood, a relationship was predicted to how they got to...
1289 Words 3 Pages

Sex Offending: Social Learning Theory

A criminological theory that I think best explains sex offending is Social Learning Theory. More so, the Neutralization or Drift Theory. This theory begins to explain that offenders are not deviant in the event that they are alone, they are grouped together in behaving criminally together. Neutralization theory helps understand sex offending for many reasons....
2950 Words 6 Pages

Types Of Sexual Harassment: Quid Pro Quo And Hostile Environment

Abstract This paper explores the two types of sexual harassment; quid pro quo and hostile environment. Results from research conducted online and offline show the need for increased awareness and training pertaining to sexual harassment. Like any other organization, the United States Navy has a program in place to raise awareness for sexual harassment. The...
2185 Words 5 Pages

Domestic Violence: The Australian Law Reform Commission Opinion

Intro The Australian Law Reform Commission stated that assault occurring in the home is not a private matter but one that is of concern for the community as a whole. It is approximated that 23% of women in a spousal relationship will experience domestic violence. In regards to the contemporary issue of domestic violence, legal...
1011 Words 2 Pages

Sexual Harassment At The Workplace

The term of sexual harassment defined by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as ”unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favor, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an...
1164 Words 3 Pages

The Problem Of Child Abuse And Neglect

Child abuse can be perceived in many different ways. Some parents may think that abuse is limited to physically putting hands on your children. Some may think it’ll have to be a harsh beating to count. The truth is, anything that causes detrimental damage to a child in any way, whether on purpose or unknowingly,...
974 Words 2 Pages
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