Essays on Honour-Based Violence

Marital Rape As A Legal Circumstance

Although some individuals believe marital rape is not as severe of a crime, it should be classified and punished the same because it violates human rights, it creates a loophole for rapists to continue doing wrong with current regulations, and it usually indicates physical abuse as well. Rape is a problem among our nation and...
930 Words 2 Pages

The Problem Of Prison Rape In The US And Prison Rape Elimination Act

Prison rape also known as “jail rape” is a rape that occurs in prison. According to a new report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), “4.5 percent of the state and federal prisoners surveyed reported sexual victimization in the past 12 months. Given a national prison population of 1,570,861, the BJS findings suggest...
872 Words 2 Pages

Proliferation Of Rape Culture In College Campuses

I decided to write my research paper on rape culture with an emphasis on rape culture and college campuses. But I am first defining how rape culture is typically limited. Rape Culture can be looked at as an atmosphere in which rape is accepted, and also sexual violence upon women is normalized and overlooked in...
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Normalization Of Rape Culture Via Pop Culture In The US

Trends usually define what our popular culture is in America. Pop culture reflects and describes what our society consist of such as, to what people wear, their lifestyle, music, art, and etc… Although many great things can come out of it, it can also be damaging. It has allowed for the desensitizing and normalization of...
1855 Words 4 Pages

Rape Culture In The Media

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (2015), 1 in 5 college women will be sexually assaulted, and 1 in 16 men will be sexually assaulted. Almost anyone you speak to will agree that these numbers are alarming and question why these statistics are so high. Research suggests that rape culture largely contributes to...
1482 Words 3 Pages

Ways To Reduce Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence is a prevalent concern in today’s society all around the globe. Domestic violence is described as violent or harmful behaviour targeted at spouses or children at home. This is an issue that has implicated women and children living both in the urban and rural areas (Ibiloglu, 2012). Thereby experiencing domestic violence, victims...
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Dynamics Related To Youth Sex Offending

South Africa just like other countries is faced with the challenge of youth engaging in sexual activities. It is important to note that the study and treatment of young offenders are new and not much is known, however many male offenders share some common characteristics (Charles et al, 2005). It is believed that there are...
2697 Words 6 Pages

Domestic Violence And Toxic Masculinity

Domestic violence is defined by the United States Department of Justice as a pattern of abusive behaviors within a relationship that allows one partner to gain or hold control over the other. This form of abuse impacts the lives of many Americans. Perhaps, the growing reality of domestic violence could be attributed to a society...
1713 Words 4 Pages

The Criminalization Of Prostitution

Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that ‘All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, That among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ The criminalization of prostitution encroaches on these essential rights. Prostitution, regularly alluded to as the most oldest job, is...
1152 Words 3 Pages

Radiological Examinations To Identify Child Abuse

Introduction The point at which a parent or guardian, regardless of action or neglecting to act, causes damage, lose of life, passionate mischief or danger of genuine damage to a kid is child abuse. There are numerous types of it, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological maltreatment, medical neglect and other [6]. Especially the...
2119 Words 5 Pages
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