Importance of Communication Skill in Medicines Administration

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This essay will focus on how effective communication enhances the quality of client and service user care in relation to medicines administration. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2018), is the central body that regulates The Code. The behavioural standard promotes professionalism in nursing and midwifery. The usefulness and urgent attention of effective communication skills were also emphasised in The Code, recognising the fact that service users are the central based of care in the United Kingdom. In other words, client interest should be considered first before any other issue. Communication skill is one of the professional standards of nursing as noted in the (NMC, 2018, 8:2).

Cooper and Dresch (2019), mentioned an incident that took place at Devon, a client was mistakenly given more drugs than he was supposed to receive. A nurse who could barely understands English and it’s important of effective communication gave a service user four times the correct dosage of a sedative that causes serious harm to the client. The nurse gave a double dose of morphine that she was supposed to, although there was no evidence that the nurse causes the harm to the service user which of causes, the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) Fitness to Practise Committee is to decide. The deficiency in English by the nurse acted as a partial reason to her unable to understand its usefulness and effectiveness to her acquired communication skill and therefore, causing serious harm to the service user. Patient diversity is also an essential underling factor that is important in nursing professionalism. It helps nurses in the process of effective communication and administering quality and managed care to the service user, considering their environment, religious belief, and culture. Therefore, the meaning of effective communication will be discussed in line and light of The Code as stipulated by (NMC, 2018). Lastly, the effects of communication skills in nursing will be noted and draw up a conclusion.

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Effective Communication, according to the Royal College of Nursing (2016), effective communication is the process of passing information from person to other, with the aim and objective of achieving its purpose by understanding the message of the sender to the receiver with the objective of achieving its result. The above definition of effective communication stresses its usefulness in any organisation. Be it industries, management setting or in a hospital as to produce an effective result. In the hospital environment where we have nurses, doctors, patients, and other service users, effective communication became a vital tool to get things done correctly (Rob, 2016).

The Code which states the obligation to listen to client and service user indicates and reflects the importance of effective communication. Furthermore, the client is the central core of attention in any hospital. Nurses as a professional should be able to patiently listen, identify their needs, and on this vain, service user should be able to understand what nurses are communicating (NMC, 2018, 7:5). This process is done effectively with the interrelationship with them. Nurses should be able to build safety and post professionalism in trust, for the client confidence to deliver care effectively. In addition to this, recognising some good contributions that client and other service users may offer toward their treatment and administration of drugs. Communication is a vital issue as The Code stipulated. The regulation of check and follow up the system by service users should be done to keep effective communication in actions. Nurses must be sensible, have moral accountability, and show empathy when meeting the service users’ families. Be mindful of the terms used in communication, client, families and colleagues may have different meanings to terms which may not be met for any action that may lead to an error in communicating process (Ali, 2017).

Medicines administration in the hospital setting centralised on nurses and their effectiveness to administer it correctly and effectively depends on a medical professional with full knowledge of communication skills. Administration of medicines for a client may be administered in different ways, such as pills or injections. The duties for nurses are to check if their client has allergies, or if their prescription is out of date before administering on the service user (Benneyworth and Billington 2019). To successfully carry out this task as a professional nurse, there should be a clear understanding of effective communication, and this will help to administer the drugs effectively. Ineffective communication skills and distraction can lead to an error of drugs administrated to clients (Coll, et al, 2012).

Professionalism in nursing that takes into consideration the cultural and environmental awareness of client into medicines administration would produce a good result at the end. To know the importance of effective communication in client care ( NICE, 2014) mentioned “right resident, right time, right dose, right route, right medicines and resident’s right to refuse”, are another guideline in the process of medicines administration when effective communication is clearly understood by the client and service users.

Patient diversity, in a complex health situation in the hospital, communicating effectively with the client could improve the health condition of a service users’ outcome, considering their diversity when communicating. However, some strategies will help professional nurses in cross-culture communication skills. The following should be noted, short words, simple words used in sentences. Do not use so many words to express the same idea that may mean another meaning in other culture. Communicate clearly with the attention to the client diversity, repeat your words slowly. Pay attention to the client expression and use a polite form of language (NHS Wales, 2016).

In the above, it was highlighted that a constructive and effective relationship should be maintained to build confidence in a client in their cultural diversity. A good effort should be made where barriers of cultural differences exist. The understanding of various functions involving cultural diversity will bring a better understanding of service users (Bach and Grant, 2011). Information is a major problem in handily effective communication among professional nurses and client. The NMC Code (2018,1:1), states that everyone, particularly health professionals, nurses, and other health specialists concern should care about excellent nursing and midwifery, as it relates to effective communication. In these regards, there should be respect, response, and giving priorities to people. Skills like compassion, competence, and kindness are useful in professionalism and results in effective communication in patient diversity. Alfred and Standage (2011), the assumption regarding client diversity should not be made otherwise it may result in errors that cause barriers in communication. Finally, environments, religions, culture, custom all have a greater impact on effective communication that empowers nurses with ultimate care (Burnard and Gill, 2010).


This essay has demonstrated that effective communication enhancing the quality of client and service user care in relation to medicines administration has proven that explicit responsibility rests on nurses to effectively communicate with their client, service, and families when dealing with issues or tasks in the hospital. According to (NMC, 2018, 7:3) verbal and non-verbal communication system should be accepted into cultural sensitivities of their client diversity, which helps in passing information to client and service user. Therefore, all aspect of service user needs most be dealt with professionally and nurses should record the administration of medicine and client consent in their care plan. Listening also allows the nurse to communicate effectively and develop interrelationship with client and service user because most information and client history can be collected through conversation. The administration of medicines should be carryout within the limit of competence, respect, training, dignity, and worth of everyone (Gluyas, 2015). The professionalism of nurses in all manners is a vital determiner during effective communication skills. Generally, listening attentively, awareness of the educational level of the client, and putting client care as a priority in communication process would enhance the quality of client and other service user care in relation to medicines administration (McSherry, et al, 2012).


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