Job Stress In Amazon Australia

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Executive Summary

Purpose: The main purpose of this report is to make a business report to solve the business problem. This main business problem of the Amazon Australia is job stress among employees. This report will identify the way to reduce the job stress business problem of this organisation by implementing Job demand Resources theory.

Methodology: This report is a qualitative report. This report has conducted based on the qualitative research method. The information has been collected by interview procedure from the employees of Amazon Australia. An open-ended interview has been conducted to collect information. They have asked about their work in the organisation.

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Findings: This report has identified the reasons of the arising job stress in this organisation as the business problem. The employees have felt the job stress in this organisation due to heavy workload, security and safety issues, issues of workers’ rights, the problems with a lower payment and long hours of working hours etc. This report has identified that the implementation of Job demand resources theory can solve the business problem of Amazon Australia.

Conclusions and Recommendations: This report has identified that the implementation of job resource can reduce the problem of job stress. The organisation should provide a flexible working environment for the employees and implement job resource strategy at the workplace.


Amazon is a US-based online vendor which was started in 1994 and vending books online. The Amazon Company has prolonged its business enormously over the years and it is now selling the whole thing from its own proprietary tables to garden tools and all to the global spectators. This organisation is an American multinational technology which focuses on cloud computing, e-commerce, artificial intelligence and digital streaming (Birtch, Chiang & Van Esch 2016). Amazon is known for its distribution of well-established businesses by the mass scale and technical invention.

Amazon Australia is facing difficulties due to job stress of the employees. The workplace stress affects individual employees and it also affects the relationship within customers and teams. The excessive stress on the job can interfere in the performance and productivity of the organisation. The main problem of the business is job stress in the workplace (Bakker & Demerouti 2017).

Firms Situation

In Amazon Australia, the workplace is manufactured around a culture of fear which affects the performance (Tims, Derks, & Bakker 2016). This organisation has strengths in a strong brand and the high ability for rapid technological innovation.


This organisation can face threats due to lack of online security, loss of profitability and loss of market share (van Woerkom, Bakker, & Nishii 2016). The main symptoms of the work stress are loss of appetite, poor job performance, short attention of span etc.

Job Stress in Amazon Australia

In recent days, the employees of Amazon Australia are facing difficulties due to job stress at the workplace. The job stress is affecting the physiological and physical effects on a person and can be a physical, mental and emotional strain. The employees of the organisation are facing high pressure on objectives which make them realise like someone push them to cut safety corners due to job stress. In Amazon Australia, employees are employed as unpremeditated and they are continuously concerned about whether they will transfer to another shift (Bakker & Demerouti 2007). The employees are expected to consistently work at ‘Amazon pace”, which is anywhere among jogging and walking. The employees of Amazon Australia has faced difficulties of job stress due to high workloads, lack of control, insufficient workloads, poor physical working environment, over-management, blame culture and ineffective management (Birtch, Chiang & Van Esch 2016). The Amazon Australia company has created a culture and the employees are fearful about their performance. The employees of this organisation can be sent to the home early without being paid when orders are completed. The employees of this organisation have faced safety issues and security issues in the workplace which makes job stress for the employees (van Woerkom, Bakker, & Nishii 2016). In this organisation, there is no job security or even guarantee of the shift from one day to the next day. In the workplace, the security in-and-out things take a lot of time by this organisation. In the warehouse department of this organisation, the employees are responsible for picking, storing and packing tens of thousands of items each day (Wingerden, Bakker & Derks 2016). The excessive stress in the workplace of Amazon Australia can interfere with performance and productivity. The job stress of the employees is impacted by the emotional and physical health and it has affected the relationship with home life.

Overview of the Theory

The job demand resource model is the most appropriate in the context of job stress in the workplace of Amazon Australia. The JD-R model is applied to numerous professional settings and regardless of specific resources and demand are associates (Tims, Derks, & Bakker 2016). The job demand associates to the social, physical, organisational and psychological aspect of the job which needs to sustain psychological, physical skills or efforts which are associated with certain psychological costs (Dawson, O’Brien & Beehr 2016). The employees have felt stress due to unfavourable physical environment, high work pressure and emotionally demanding interactions with customers. On the other hand, job resource is referring as the psychological, physical organisational and social aspects of the job (Helms-Lorenz & Maulana 2016). The job resources can reduce the demand of job and it is associated with psychological and physiological costs and it functionally gain the goal of the work. Additionally, the job resources are stimulating development, learning and personal growth of the organisation (Kocakulah, et al. 2016). In the organisational context, the job resources are necessary to deal with job demand. Moreover, the resources are appreciated in their own right and the means of protection or achievement of other appreciated properties.

The job resources can able to reduce the business problem of job stress in Amazon Australia. Job resource can be implemented at the level of organisation at large such as carrier opportunities, pay, job security etc. Additionally, it can be implemented at the level of the task such as autonomy, skill diversity, performance feedback, task significance, task identity etc (Lu & Kuo 2016). In Amazon Australia, the problem of job stress can be overcome by the implementation of job resources. In the JD-R model, the collaboration between job resources and job demand is significant for the development of inspiration and job straining (Basias &Pollalis 2018). Job resources can reduce the problem with possible resources which can expedite the accomplishment of organisational goal and suggesting dissimilar goals which are prejudiced by many properties.

Managerial Decision Statement

The organisation is concerned for the managerial decision based on the operation of the organisation like growth rates of the organisation, choice of the organisation and employee compensation (Birtch, Chiang & Van Esch 2016). Amazon Australia can focus on employee compensation as job stress is their current business problem. The organisation can hire skilful employees and provide them with job security and provide health and safety concern for the employees (Bakker & Demerouti 2007).

Research Objectives

The research objective for this study is to identify the cause of job stress in the workplace and how to recover the problem by implementing the theory.

Methods and Results

This research has used a qualitative research method. Qualitative research is the procedure of realistic enquiry which seeks an in-depth empathetic of social occurrences within their natural background. The qualitative research method is the scientific method of observation which is accumulated non-numeric information (Fletcher 2017). The qualitative research method is systematically utilised predefined set of procedure to address the research question. The qualitative method is used to obtain an appreciative of underlying motivations, opinions and reasons in the research (Basias & Pollalis 2018). The research method delivers understandings into the research problem and helps to establish philosophies for possible research (Basias & Pollalis 2018). Additionally, this research method has uncovered trends in opinion and thought and dive deeper into the research problem. In this specific research, the qualitative method has helped to gather information about job stress.

By the data collection procedure, the information was collected from relevant sources to address the research problem and evaluate the problem. In this case, the information has collected by primacy information collection method (Bakker & Demerouti 2007). In qualitative research, the information was collected by interviewing employees of Amazon Australia. The literature review was conducted by accumulating information from various journals which are relevant for this research topic (Dawson, O’Brien & Beehr 2016). The qualitative research is closely associated with emotions, feelings of employees of Amazon Australia about job stress. Validity includes the whole experimental thought and creates the result gained meet all of the necessities of the systematic research (Dawson, O’Brien & Beehr 2016). This research has followed internal validity which extends to the independent variable which can accurately produce the observed effect.


Job stress

The result will be analysed based on the responses of the respondents. The information has asked to about their work in Amazon. The information has asked the employees of Amazon Australia. The employees of this organisation have high expectations, crappy shift and no idea of working and casual slavery. The employees of this organisation have faced security and safety issues in the workplace (Helms-Lorenz & Maulana 2016). These factors have led as the job stress among the employees. Sometimes, the organisation has fired the employees and it has blamed the performance of the employees instead of admitting that they cannot make payment to retain employees (Basias & Pollalis 2018). In this organisation, there is no having job security for the employees and also not guarantee of their shifts from one day to the next day. The employees of this organisation have faced job stress due to their heavy workload (Birtch, Chiang & Van Esch 2016). The employees do not get a lunch break or anything caused by the time. The employees have faced difficulties due to the security issue at the workplace during working in the warehouse of the organisation (Dawson, O’Brien & Beehr 2016). On the other hand, some supervisors of this organisation are pretty good and they have favoured the employees. Some employees have faced the issue of casualization in the workplace. Most of the employees are working as casual employees in the organisation. Job resources can remove the problem of job stress.

Recommendations and Conclusions

The main theme of this report has job stress based on Amazon Australia. The report was completed based on Amazon Australia. The main problem of this organisation is job stress among employees. Most of the employees have faced difficulties due to security and safety issues in the workplace (Bakker & Demerouti 2007). High levels of stress in the workplace can result in poor decision-making by individuals, poor relationship with management and employees (Bakker & Demerouti 2007). The employees of this organisation have faced job stress due to high workload, lack of control, insufficient workloads, ineffective or weak management, lack of control etc. stress is the virtually unavoidable part of the employee experience, work setting on a different level. Additionally, workplace stresses have psychological effects on employees over time. The business owners must structure the clerical jobs and structure factory (Fletcher 2017). The job demand-resource model can imbalance between the demand on the individuals and resources to deal with demands. Amazon Australia can implement this model to reduce job stress at the workplace. This model can provide training and development opportunities, coaching and mentoring opportunities and increased autonomy in the workplace (Dawson, O’Brien & Beehr 2016). The organisation can implement some strategy to reduce the problem of job stress.

  • The organisation should implement job resource in organisation which will provide opportunities to encourage development and learning (Birtch, Chiang & Van Esch 2016). The job resource will able to make good working relationship which will important for reducing stress.
  • The job resource will provide regular constructive feedback to the people (Basias & Pollalis 2018). The feedback provides will help the employee to feel support as they develop and grow.
  • The organisation should provide a flexible working environment for the employees. Employees of this organisation have left their job due to job stress. The organisation has to invest in finding and training to new employees (Helms-Lorenz & Maulana 2016). The organisation should offer a flexible work environment which will help to decrease pressure on employees.


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