Martin Luther King Jr Versus Malcolm X: Comparative Analysis

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In conclusion, I believe that Martin Luther King, Jr has solidified his position in history as the individual who had a bigger impact than Malcolm X in relation to the civil rights movement. The fact that King was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the search for equality in the United States would further strengthen my argument. From having around 200,000 participants for the march on Washington in 1963, to his well – known ‘I Have a Dream’ speech which also attracted many towards his nonviolent methods. It is safe to say that Martin Luther King Jr achieved what he had set out to do.

King was a man who did not give up, despite facing many hardships along the way. He knew that one day every race in the United States would be able to co-exist with each other. However, with Malcolm X, we find that he was influenced by the Nation of Islam and he advocated to treat the white people in the same manner as they have treated the blacks for many years. It could be argued that Malcolm X was associated with a cult, and this showed that he had a narrow outlook on other civil rights activists, like Martin Luther King Jr. Although, towards the end he did attempt to redeem himself, it was not enough.

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We were only privileged to see a diplomatic and open minded Malcolm X after he had made his pilgrimage to Hajj, and that side of Malcolm X had left many hungry for more. Unfortunately, our hunger was not fully satisfied. However, we do know that Malcolm X could have played a greater role in the civil rights movement, had he been the Malcolm X after he left the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X did not have enough longevity to prove himself. It’s a shame we did not get to witness this diplomatic side from Malcolm X for a prolonged period of time and what could have been, had Malcolm X kept the viewpoints he did after leaving the Nation of Islam from the very beginning. Malcolm X had a change of mind and this meant that he lost out on many followers than he gained with the Nation of Islam. It is for that reason the individual who had more success in the civil rights movement when it came to media depictions and participation would have to be Martin Luther King Jr. It is also hard to argue, considering he was viewed positively by the media and because of the passion and never give up attitude that he possessed for the search for equality.


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