Nuclear Power Versus Solar Power: Comparative Essay

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There is a great demand for energy sources in the growing world today. Everyday there are new houses being built, buildings being finished, and cities being remodeled. The world as we know it today is very modern and requires energy to light these places up, heat them, and so much more. Electricity is needed for a variety of things but where exactly is it coming from? How is it that we are able to fuel this growing and modern world? Nuclear and solar energy are both very useful forms of energy in the modern-day world when it comes to the demand for energy; however, both sources come with their own ups and downs in terms of use.

Nuclear power has different uses and is very versatile. An example of this would be that nuclear power is valuable in many countries. Nuclear energy has been used by the military against opposing forces many times during war throughout many different countries. Nuclear energy has also been used in the medical field to help treat patients, such as cancer patients. These methods are something that can not really be taken away from nuclear energy despite the controversy that surrounds the method. Another example of nuclear energies versatility is that it can be used to remove the salt out of ocean water for drinking purposes. There are nuclear-powered machines that produce steam to boil the water. The process uses clean and pure water that is used to our advantage. This method just goes to show that nuclear power is useful and can be used in different ways other than just electricity.

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Even though nuclear power may have many good uses; however, there is a lot of controversy surround the method in terms of health and safety. Many feel as though nuclear power is unsafe for their health because of past events involving the method. People are afraid of having a repeat of one of the most well known accidents to happen with nuclear power plants in Chernobyl. People are also worried about what would happen to them if they were around the chemicals for long periods of time. (Insert health quote or medical background). Because of this, scientists believe that the research for nuclear power had been held back some.

Many people also fear the the well-being of the environment. It is well known that nuclear power creates toxic waste. The disposal of toxic waste is not exactly the safest it could be for our environment. Many believe that exposure to the waste and radiation causes creatures and plants to mutate

Solar energy is one of the most natural and renewable sources of energy the world has. Solar energy can be used to burn things and/or generate heat. A simple way to understand how or why is by simply going outside on a sunny day with a magnifying glass. It can be seen in action by simply concentrating the suns light through the glass on any of choice. it is said that the ancients would use something called a “burning glass” to start fires.

Solar energy can be used to produce electricity and heat for homes and/or buildings. People have created these things called solar panels, which are used to collect the suns energy. The panels also trap the energy in these greenhouse-like buildings. Solar energy can also be used to heat a home since the sun is a source of heat energy.

Solar energy isn’t always reliable since its primary source is the sun. Only half of the possible amount of energy that can be had is actually obtained. No matter what, the sun is always going to go down. There hasn’t really been much development on retaining the energy gathered during the day.(Insert quote on how solar energy isn’t always as effective) . The sun isn’t always as reliable in every part of the world. There will always be one part of the world without access to solar energy so it isn’t very effective world wide. The weather also effects the availability of solar energy in the world. Places in there world where it is mostly cloudy don’t get the benefits of solar energy , not to mention that some countries aren’t able to store the energy or support the panels financially.

Nuclear and solar energy sources can be used in different ways. People will tell you that they prefer the renewable energy source, which is solar energy, or they will tell you that they prefer the non renewable source, which is nuclear power. Either way, they both have their own purpose when in comes to providing energy. Nuclear energy has benefits with the medical and military field; however there are health and safety concerns. At the same time, solar energy benefits heating and power; however there are weather and affordability concerns.

In conclusion, no matter what energy source is chosen, there will always be some downsides that come with the benefits. Both nuclear and solar energy provide their own variety of benefits such as electricity, water availability, and heating. Both methods come with their own sets of downsides and concerns. They are both very effective in terms of providing energy and that is all that should really matter when choosing. In a world with a great demand for energy, each method is bound to get utilized in some way, shape, form, or fashion.


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