Essays on Othello

Shakespeare’s Play Othello and Chevalier’s Novel New Boy: Comparative Essay

Stories delivered in various forms present a noteworthy responsibility in uniting individuals across cultures, communities, nations and historical eras. Furthermore, storytelling, particularly in the form of a narrative, often addresses central underlying notions pertaining to the human experience. The universal themes relating to the human experience explored in both William Shakespeare’s play Othello and Tracy...
1310 Words 3 Pages

Gender in Othello and Desdemona as a Feminist Martyr

Abstract: By exploring the situation of the great playwright William Shakespeare, we can examine how accredited women were of great importance since England held the most notable female power they had witnessed in Queen Elizabeth. Feminist ideas shown in reputable texts such as Shakespeare’s “Othello” can commonly be signs of writers showing their desire to...
2414 Words 5 Pages

Themes in Othello: Jealousy, Racism and Prejudice

Intro (100 Words) Narratives have an enduring power to shape values in today’s societies. Narratives force the readers into finding authentic interpretations of themes and motifs within society, changing one’s mindset about morals and values Shakespeare’s tragedy, Othello is an engrossing play written and performed first in the 1600s and depicts a series of events...
1100 Words 2 Pages

Scrutiny Of Humanity’s Tragic Psychological Flaws In The Tragedy Othello

The tragedy Othello (c.1604) explicitly achieves its enduring value in Shakespeare’s skilful examination of the complex human baseness, where he creates a strong didactic commentary on the need for introspection spurring an individual’s sacrificial pursuit of power and tragic demise. The flawed human tendency for envy is largely presented in the inferiority complexes that arise...
839 Words 2 Pages

The Portrayal Of Human Baseness In Shakespeare’s Tragedy Othello

Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello (1604), resonates with contemporary audiences through the significant extent of the portrayal of human baseness influenced by insecurities, that exposes the potential for moral corruption which exists within all individuals and their societies. Influenced by the xenophobia in his Elizabethan era, Shakesp are forewarned the destructive inner ramifications of a racist and...
848 Words 2 Pages

Hieronimo and Othello as Freudian Characters

Introduction A Revenge Tragedy is known as a drama in which the protagonist seeks revenge for the bloody actions of the antagonist and the revelation of the murder or crime comes to the protagonist through superficial appearances such as ghosts. In the process of seeking revenge, the main character might witness insanity, murder, suicide, philosophical...
1885 Words 4 Pages

Depiction of the Concept of Jealousy in Othello

The compelling, universal theme of jealousy is built into human nature and is a fundamental element of our emotions. Once the seeds of doubt are planted in one’s mind, it is easy to see what one suspects to be true. Manipulation is one of the main components of jealousy which is shown throughout the whole...
1161 Words 3 Pages
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