Essays on Professions & Career

Career Action Plan and Self-reflection: Personal Report

Introduction This report describes the self-reflection and career action plan related to the profession chosen and discussed in the first assignment. This is a brief description of my dream job as a real estate sale agent that I would like to work and develop when I graduate. Purchasing or selling a house or a flat...
1489 Words 3 Pages

Public Health Pharmacists: Critical Analysis and Job Description

Public health is known as promoting and protecting health and well-being, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organised efforts and society (Bridge, 2020). The main goal of public health is prevention. Preventive measures can be applied at any stage along the natural history of a disease, with the goal of preventing further progression of...
1276 Words 3 Pages

Critical Analysis of the Concept of Service: Literature Study

Services seem to be everywhere, yet there seems to not be a universally accepted definition of what they are. Various specialists regard services to be ‘activities, deeds or processes, and interactions’ (Edvardsson, Gustafsson and Roos, 2005: 108), while others such as Edvardsson (1997) perceive services to be just a component in the wider definition of...
1167 Words 3 Pages

Evaluation of Medical and Trauma Emergencies: The Role of Paramedic

This report will examine also evaluate medical and trauma emergencies in which the public services may be faced during their line of duty lastly the report will evaluate the ethical, moral, and legal limitations in providing treatment to individuals in society. Following this, the pre hospital care covers a range of medical conditions also medical...
1588 Words 3 Pages

Reflection on My Work Placement: Opinion Essay

For my work placement, I chose to work at a Law firm called Morgan Has (Morgan Has Solicitors, 2019). In this report, I will be outlining the nature, opportunities and responsibilities of the work I undertook during my placement. Along with this, I will address the career management skills that I have obtained. Career management...
2116 Words 5 Pages

Possible Reasons of Difficulties in Defining Youth Work: Analytical Essay

Definitions for youth work are numerous (see for example DENI 2013, NYA, 2020, Youth Work Act 2001) and it can mean different things to different people. When exploring the possibility of defining youth work, Davies explains that youth work has been “thought up and practiced by human beings – in all their diversity” (2010 p....
991 Words 2 Pages

Social Pedagogy and Social Work: Case Study of a Child

Social Pedagogy “To teach is to touch a life forever” (Anonymous, n.d.). Kylie is a child of 8 years who lives with foster parents; due to her past experiences, her communication skills are limited, making it difficult for her to build and sustain relationships. Kylie has been subject to sexual abuse and consequently appears to...
2272 Words 5 Pages
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