Situation With Non-renewable Energy In The United States

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“The sooner we get started with alternative energy sources and recognize that fossil fuels make us less secure as a nation, and more dangerous as a planet, the better off we’ll be.” – Lindsey Graham

There are two types of energy, one of those we classify as nonrenewable energy sources because they are not formed/made in a short period of time. Examples of nonrenewable energy sources are oil, natural gas, coal, and even uranium (or nuclear) energy. The other kind of energy is renewable. Renewable energy is energy that is collected from more natural resources, which are replenished in a shorter amount of time, such as sunlight, wind, rain, waves, as well as geothermal heat. The problem with nonrenewable energy is that we are using our resources faster than we can resupply. And according to BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, “the world consumes about 86 million barrels of crude oil per day, it would be easy to conclude we’ll run out of oil in 50 years or less”

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The US government should do more to stop, companies and corporations, form relying on our limited amount of fossil fuels and switching to more plentiful energy sources. For one it causes pollution and destroys our only protection (ozone layer) from our nearest star (sol). also the emissions from the energy plants are replacing the ozone layer with greenhouse gasses, which trap the radiation from the sun making the temperatures of our home planet rise as well as the sea levels. And the final reason why the United States should stop relying on nonrenewable energy sources is that we only have a limited amount left, and once we use it all we will not have as much energy as we do now.

First reason why we should reconsider energy as a nation is because of All of the CO2 molecules pumped into in the air is polluting it. and too much of the gas could hurt our lungs. For example, Constant burning of nonrenewable energy sources is releasing a lot of pollutants such as CO2 into our atmosphere (which happens to be where we get our air from) unfortunately we cannot live without the presence of air (approx 78.09% nitrogen and 20.95% oxygen) in our lungs, and it would be better if our gasses intake is safe and clean. Even though CO2 is oxygen-based, we cannot live off of it. The great engineer Elon Musk is aware of the dangers of overusing nonrenewable energy sources, and he stated that ”We’re running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere… can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.” so we seriously need to eliminate/moderate the amount of air pollution that goes to our lungs and many other animals. “A high carbon dioxide level can cause rapid breathing and confusion.” says our own National Institute of Health “Some people who have respiratory failure may become very sleepy or lose consciousness. They also may develop arrhythmias (ah-RITH-me-ahs), or irregular heartbeats. These symptoms can occur if the brain and heart are not getting enough oxygen.” humans as a whole will have shorter life spans and that alone should change one’s mind about nonrenewable resources

Second, The greenhouse gasses that burning fossil fuels produces that trap radiation from the sun. For example, If we continue to pollute with greenhouse gasses, the sun’s energy and heat will be trapped. That may seem like a good thing because it’s more energy, well it’s not. With enough greenhouse gas particles, the earth could be as unsuitable for life as it was in the movie “Wall-E” where the atmosphere was so bad that no plants could live and the humans had to leave earth altogether. “if we were to burn all available fossil fuels, the likely impact on our planet’s temperature would be a 10°C (50°F) rise” that is a big difference. And many of the planet’s plants and animals will not be able to survive in warmer climates. And less plants and animals that would mean that there would be less food for us to live off of.

In addition, melting ice caps The rising temperature will cause our icebergs to melt and cause The sea levels to potentially rise dramatically “If we keep burning fossil fuels indefinitely, global warming will eventually melt all the ice at the poles and on mountaintops, raising sea level by 216 feet.” stated the researchers at national geographic magazine. And that would not be good “The entire Atlantic seaboard would vanish, along with Florida and the Gulf Coast. In California, San Francisco’s hills would become a cluster of islands and the Central Valley a giant bay. The Gulf of California would stretch north past the latitude of San Diego—not that there’d be a San Diego.” and if you think that losing a few cities is a big deal, he are some of the consequences “When sea levels rise as rapidly as they have been, even a small increase can have devastating effects on coastal habitats farther inland, it can cause destructive erosion, wetland flooding, aquifer and agricultural soil contamination with salt, and lost habitat for fish, birds, and plants.” most of our coastal cities will be gone and all of the buildings, farms, and many of the native animals with it.

Third, the United States should stop relying on nonrenewable energy sources, since the earth only has a limited amount left, and once we use it all, we will have energy shortages. For example, This sentence should be a statement about letter A. Following the statement about letter A, use the evidence from your research. It can be paraphrased, quoted text, or a combination of both (Shanahan, Timothy, and Herbert J. Walberg 3). The next sentences are very important to your essay. This is where you will explain how your evidence proves your statement from the outline. In addition, This sentence should be a statement about letter B. Following the statement about letter B, use the evidence from your research. It can be paraphrased, quoted text, or a combination of both (“The Limits of Parental Responsibility”). The next sentences are very important to your essay. This is where you will explain how your evidence proves your statement from the outline. Wrap-up the paragraph in 1-2 sentences.

Completely switching to renewable sources will cost the US government a lot of money. It is true that solar panels and another type of renewable energy generators and inverters can be costly. The benefits of them are much greater since they will cost less to produce and to continue to produce energy Since most renewable energy sources are very plentiful and almost unlimited even without the constant extra work it will cost less for residents and eventually the government. And this is why the US government should do more to stop, companies and corporations, form relying on our limited amount of fossil fuels and switch to more plentiful energy sources.

Since it is causing pollution and destroying our only protection (ozone layer) from our nearest star (sol). also the emissions from the energy plants are replacing the ozone layer with not so healthy greenhouse gasses, which trap the radiation from the sun making the temperatures of our home planet rise as well as the sea levels. And the final reason why the United States should stop relying on nonrenewable energy sources is that we only have a limited amount left, and once we use it all we will not have as much energy as we do now.



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