Essays on Social Issues

Brexit Affect on Animal Welfare in the UK: Analytical Essay

In January 2020 when Brexit began to take place, there has been various concerns across the UK about how animal welfare and the different ways the laws and legislations may be affected. Brexit also caused a concern all over the UK as a large majority of the laws and legislations that are currently in place...
829 Words 2 Pages

Homelessness of People with Mental Disorder: Analytical Essay

Introduction The essay will focus on the older adults’ groups of mentally disordered people. The chosen vulnerable group are homeless with mental disorder. The vulnerability factors for this vulnerable group of mentally disordered older adult will be analysed and interpreted. The essay will put forward an argument of the multi-professional and multi-agency interventions which will...
2257 Words 5 Pages

Martin Luther King Jr Versus Malcolm X: Comparative Analysis

In conclusion, I believe that Martin Luther King, Jr has solidified his position in history as the individual who had a bigger impact than Malcolm X in relation to the civil rights movement. The fact that King was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the search for equality in the United States...
437 Words 1 Page

Exploitation of Vulnerable Groups: Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

Throughout this essay it will explore two different types of vulnerable groups get exploited. Also be looking into how effective the investigative methods and legal process that are used to overcome certain obstacles to ensure that the safety of these vulnerable groups is maintained. The two crimes where vulnerable people get exploited and those that...
2956 Words 6 Pages

Causes and Effects of Human Trafficking: Analytical Essay

Introduction Trafficking is one of the worst types of contemporary slavery that violates flagrantly human rights, wreck human dignity and directly affects the victim physically and mentally. Trafficking of women and children is an alarming issue prevalent in India. In 2016, 19,223 women and children were trafficked, compared to 15,448 in 2015, according to the...
1769 Words 4 Pages

Gender Inequality in Bangladesh: Analytical Essay

In the past ten years, Bangladesh has pass through intensive social changes, many of which have wedged gender inequality. Abundance rates have been halved, the gender gap in newborn incorporeity, as well as in primary and secondary schooling, has been tightened or closed altogether, the accessibility of micro-credit has enhanced the unity of women as...
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