Essays on Social Issues

Essay on The Ku Klux Klan: Primary Source Analysis

The Ku Klux Klan is an extremist group established in 1865 in Tennessee, just after the Civil War during the early days of reconstruction . The Klan itself was originally established as a confederate soldier ‘club’ but soon started to adopt racist, white supremacist ideologies, deeply convoluted with its southern, confederate connections to Tennessee. The...
971 Words 2 Pages

Black Victims of Police Brutality: Analytical Essay

Black Victims The infamous case of Sandra Bland, who died in police custody after apparently hanging herself in her cell on the 13th July 2015 is a perfect example of police brutality that has a lot of unanswered questions. She was arrested for being truant after being pulled over for not signalling when going into...
2787 Words 6 Pages

Animal Testing and It’s Disadvantages: Analytical Essay

A syringe forced down an animal’s throat, being suffocated in a room that’s being filled with toxic chemicals, or being injected with a disease. These are all examples of the horrible conditions that animals go through while being tested in labs. Animal testing can be conducted for varying products such as cosmetics, medicines, chemicals. Animals...
1906 Words 4 Pages

Truth about Relativism and Death Penalty: Analytical Essay

The construct of relativism portrays that every single opinion and belief being made should be taken into account as much as the next. Meaning that everyone should be entitled to their own value, where they get to choose if a certain topic is right or wrong. And that with global ethical issues, it should really...
962 Words 2 Pages

Causes and Effects of Poverty in America: Analytical Essay

Essay Summirize the author’s main idea and key supporting points Evaluate the quality of the argument (click on the link for guidance) APPLY the source, noting 1) degree of usefulness for your project and 2) the degree to which you agree with the author and/or how the information is helping you refine your position Food...
2023 Words 4 Pages
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