The Role Of Materialism In American Culture Today

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In American culture today, materialism ranks highly throughout our nation. The value of physical possessions is becoming superior to morals and personal connections. Modern culture brainwashes Americans into the inaccurate belief that materialistic items are necessary to be accepted into today’s society. This issue has created mental health problems within the American population. While putting our energy and faith into materialistic goods, Americans are losing basic social connections and appreciation for thoughtful goods.

Materialism reflects upon our everyday lifestyles, and convinces consumers that they need multiple advanced products to be accepted in today’s society. Everyday, Americans are unwillingly exposed to commercials or billboards for new and improved items every day. Advertisements convince the American population new products are needed for acceptance in today’s society. Consumers are no longer happy with what they own, they only crave the next new thing. It is making Americans feel as if they are judged by others based on only physical possessions.

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Throughout American society, pressure to fit in and be accepted has created problems within mental health. Americans tend to feel discriminated based on what they do or do not have compared to others. Society often feels forced to obtain popular materials, or they will be disliked within the group. One in five students struggle with mental health. In society today, Americans are never satisfied with what they own or how they are viewed by peers. Mental health problems and materialism are vigorously growing in American culture today.

Throughout society, crucial social skills have slowly diminished resulting in the evolution of today’s materialistic world. Americans value the pleasure of receiving new and improved belongings over social interaction. A modern day example of this issue is the lack of appreciation for quality family time. Holidays such as Christmas are no longer about seeing family or enjoying one another’s company. Family bonding time and traditions are being suppressed through the overabundance of materialistic goods. Today’s culture fails to focus towards the sentimental value associated with a gift, and are more concerned about the expense. Our community has lost the sense of gratitude and appreciation. Society often gravitates towards materialistic goods because possessions can not hurt or judge individuals. Knowing this information makes it easier to confide in materials, but Americans have lost the personal connection due to the attachment of goods. It is now replaced with items that only hide how people really feel. Materials give Americans an instant dose of satisfaction and reliability that humans sometimes cannot portray.

Modern culture has taken over our lives, and replaced our personal connections with earthly products. Americans and all people need to reprioritize, put the items away, and talk to those around each other. Society is continuously being succumbed to worship materials over basic human interaction. Materials are affecting our mental health and is a problem that if not fixed can be catastrophic. Modern day society has been impacted by materialism and their needs to be a change. Americans need to understand that they are accepted in today’s world just as they are, without the needs of materials to fit in.


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