Essays on Transport

Aviation: History, Definition, Uses & Development

History During World War I, the need to engage recently invented aircraft in combat demanded that new methods be utilised to select and train individuals to become qualified pilots. This encouraged the development of aviation psychology and the start of aeromedical research. This was then followed by the interwar period during which further studies were...
1165 Words 3 Pages

Automatic Aviation: In-Craft Network, Wireless Data Link, And Off-board Systems

Introduction Aircraft have dynamically become dependent on software that rely on advanced computing, storage, and networking capabilities. The previous chapters had provided an overall assessment of the security risks posed by the ACPS application domain. We had assessed the high-level design of the system and modeled an aviation CPS. In this chapter, you will find...
2015 Words 4 Pages

Smart Public Transport Assistance For Smart Cities

Abstract: The smart public transport assistance system will help the passengers as well as the driver of the buses by providing information about the bus in an exact manner. It will automatically register the arrival and departure time of the bus in the bus stand using the RFID technology and the database of the registry...
2110 Words 5 Pages

Traffic Congestion In Shanghai

Shanghai is one of China’s major cities, located in the middle of China’s east coast, near the mouth of the Yangtze River. While shanghai is a beautiful city with many things to offer, the city also has a few downfalls, one of them being traffic congestion. Description of the issue The roads of Shanghai on...
1185 Words 3 Pages

Traffic Congestion And Its Consequences

Traffic Congestion: The concept of congestion is imprecise and have no exactness since people have different perceptions and expectations of how the system should perform, based on whether they are in rural or urban areas, in peak/off peak. Time, speed, volume, level of service and traffic signal are considered as primary definitions of congestion. Typical...
742 Words 2 Pages

Introduction To The Aviation System

What is aerotropolis? What is the significance of this concept? Aerotropolis and its significance Aerotropolis is an urban sub-region with all its surroundings, layout, infrastructure, economy are centered on the airport. It is a city with an international airport in its heart and the area has been developed around it and grows within the airport....
1451 Words 3 Pages

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