Essays on Types of Sport

Analytical Essay on Ice Hockey: The Relevant Components of Fitness, Training Methods, Principles of Training

Introduction The primary purpose amongst athletes at competition is performing at their maximum level (Collin and Moody, 2016). Ice Hockey is a contact sport, it is physically challenging and consists of repeated high-intensity periods alongside rapid changes in velocity (Burr et al. 2008). Important fitness components are agility, strength and power, aerobic endurance, and balance/coordination...
1730 Words 4 Pages

Review of Current Soccer Specific Exercise Simulation Protocols to Assess Interventions within the Sport

Review of current soccer-specific exercise stimulation protocols in order to assess interventions within the sport effectively Due to the susceptibility of contextual factors in soccer match play it creates difficulty to acquire consistent physical stresses within athletes affecting reliability of assessing implemented interventions. Consequently soccer specific exercise protocols have been developed based off the assessment...
1341 Words 3 Pages

Emergence and Development of Boxing: Argumentative Essay

Roberts (2016) continues to explain that Elias was working towards the questions of how and why society viewed themselves as more civilised. Eliasians claim the occurrence of the industrial revolution and urbanisation alongside the development of modern sports lead to both sport and society becoming civilised. Sport became an outlet for society to express their...
1648 Words 4 Pages

Exploration into How Educational Neuroscience May be Used in a Developmental Football Context

Introduction Education in football in the United Kingdom has historically adopted a model of following traditionally accepted norms towards coaching methodology and philosophy. There has been an insular stance towards academic discourse, research and epistemological practices that can be viewed as ‘outside’ football knowledge (Haywood, 2008; Pain 2010). My experience as a player, coach, coach-educator...
1628 Words 4 Pages

Evaluation of Kinematic Factors in an Early Acceleration Phase During Sprint Running

Introduction: The 100m sprint is known throughout the world as being one of the greatest displays of the power of the human body, however the 100m sprint can be an extremely useful gauge of acceleration and the kinematic factors that contribute to acceleration. This research paper shall display the effect of kinematic factors upon acceleration...
2141 Words 5 Pages

Effects of Football on Peace Building in a Conflicted Society

Introduction In a world full of conflicts and differences in values, interests and beliefs between ethical groups, a development of solutions for peace- and community building is getting increasingly necessary. One solution which has a small but important impact on peace building is the use of sport. Therefore, the application of sport as a device...
1395 Words 3 Pages

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