Essays on American Constitution

The Decline Of The First Amendment: Freedom Of Speech

In the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, every American citizen is guaranteed the basic freedoms of religion, assembly, petition, press, and speech, but are we really? Over the years, our freedom of speech has slowly begun to disappear. In “The Decline of American Press Freedom,” Anne Applebaum, a journalist for the Washington Post...
960 Words 2 Pages

Facing Terrorism And Civil Liberties

Abstract This paper will consist of the reason why the Department of Homeland Security was established and what major event in history contributed to this. I will also talk about the role of the Department of Homeland Security. I will discuss the major steps that law enforcement have done to help prevent terrorist attacks and...
2034 Words 4 Pages

American Government And Politics: Civil Liberties

Introduction The chapters I found most intriguing and informative as I continued to engage and acquire knowledge this semester are in chapter two, chapter four, and chapter twelve on, ‘The Constitution and its Origins and Declaration of Independence’; ‘Civil Liberties’; and ‘The Presidency’. These chapters, which were inspected sequentially, administered insight on the founding of...
1317 Words 3 Pages
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