Essays on Communication

Authorised Heritage Discourse

Abstract This article outlines the concept of Heritage and Authorised Heritage Discourse (AHD). The main aim of this article is to examine Laura Smith’s concept of AHD and to find the best understanding of contemporary heritage practices. In this paper, the characteristics of Authorised Heritage Discourse and the process of Heritage has been examined. Some...
1979 Words 4 Pages

Effective Communication Skills And Active Listening

“Extensive research has shown that no matter how knowledgeable a clinician might be if he or she is not able to open good communication with the patient, he or she may be of no help.” Effective communication skills are extremely crucial in every professional environment, and especially in the field of medicine and healthcare as...
2060 Words 5 Pages

Verbal And Nonverbal Communication

Communication is interacting with people (e.g. talking, body language, having relationships either in private life or work-related relationships…etc.).Its cycle involves the sending and receiving of messages, and it is a two-way process. Communication skills basically mean having the ability to process this cycle in the most effective way, which are the key features needed to...
2796 Words 6 Pages

Communication Skills In Medicine And Medical Emergencies

Introduction Communication is the core of human interaction. It is the act of exchanging information via a standard code, such as language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures expressed through speaking, listening, writing, or even through signs and behaviors. Furthermore, it is the key to understanding people and their emotions. It is more complicated...
2698 Words 6 Pages

Method Of Cash Basis Of Accounting And The Value For Money Concept

Cash basis of accounting is an accounting method that recognizes revenues and expenses when cash is received or paid. This means that revenue in the income statement is recorded only when, a customer pays for a product or service, and expenses are recorded only when businesses make payment. Non-cash transactions such as unrealized gains or...
1219 Words 3 Pages

How Is “Culture” Embedded In Classroom Communication

“We are irreducibly unique and different, and that I could have been you, you could have been me, given different circumstances…” (Kramsch, 1993, p.3). According to Hofstede, a Dutch researcher, language and culture go hand –in-hand and are difficult to separate one from the other. “ Language is the vehicle of culture and it is...
753 Words 2 Pages

Reclaiming Conversation In Today’s World

Many have wondered what it would be like to experience a change in communication from face to face to digital conversation. Sherry Turkle and several others have witnessed this happen within the past thirty years. Within the past two weeks, citizens of the United States of America have experienced an incredible change in their lives...
645 Words 1 Page

Public Relations And Political Ideology

Political ideology- refers to a set of ideas, beliefs, values, and opinions, exhibiting a recurring pattern, that competes deliberately as well as unintentionally over providing plans of action for public policymaking in an attempt to justify, explain, contest, or change the social and political arrangements and process of a political community. Ideologies are associated with...
2491 Words 5 Pages

Infancy To Adulthood Effective Communication

Communication plays a very important part in the practice of radiography. It’s important that radiographers must be aware of the age-specific needs which can be achieved through effective communication. People grow and develop in stages that are associated with their age, level of understanding and communication. The difference between patients age creates challenges to the...
983 Words 2 Pages

Nonverbal Communication In The Workplace

Types of Gestures Used in Nonverbal Communication There are numerous ways one can speak with one another. One of them is nonverbal correspondence. Nonverbal communication is an important factor in the workplace. In a day we are regularly making nonverbal communication with each other for example in a workplace people communicate nonverbally. Individuals use nonverbal...
2441 Words 5 Pages
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