Essays on Donald Trump

Factors That Determined The Result Of 2016 US Presidential Election

The present text explores various pivotal factors during the 2016 presidential campaign that ultimately led to the election of Donald J. Trump. The paper discusses factors such as communication techniques, anti-establishment sentiments, the rust belt revolt, voter turnout, the authenticity of the election process, scandals, Clinton’s health, and the influence of preceding president’s policies. Though...

Donald Trump's Politics in Conflicts between US and Iran

Abqaiq and Khurais strikes on the oil processing facilities in Saudi Arabia likely represent the latest in a pattern of actions by the Islamic Republic of Iran to escalate tensions in the Persian Gulf. and the impact of this attack has not just been felt locally. After Iran fired 22 missiles at Iraq military bases...
1455 Words 3 Pages

Critical Analysis of Donald Trump's Political Strategies

Trumps withdrawal from the Paris Agreement could be explained through the content of decision -maker beliefs and the operational codes of leaders. The beliefs systems of the decision makers have an impact how they perceive the world and it also affects what choices they take (Beach, 2012: 105). Operational codes research is useful essence to...
1546 Words 3 Pages
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