Essays on Drunk Driving

Drunk Driving: Technologies To Measure The Concentration Of Alcohol

Drinking and driving is against the law. No adult can consume above 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. The effects of alcohol to the brain, slows down a person’s reaction time e.g. would take a longer period to respond to a hazard. The extra distance travelled in that time is called the ‘thinking distance’....
3034 Words 7 Pages

Drunk Driving: Annotated Bibliography

Greenfeld, L. A. (1988, February 1). Drunk Driving. Retrieved from Lawrence A. Greenfeld is a Statistician for the Bureau of Justice Statistics who draws data from the FBI and state and local police agencies, as well as information from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to illustrate trends in arrests for drunk driving incidents...
1449 Words 3 Pages

The Effects Of Driving After Consuming Alcohol:

Goal: To persuade my audience that drinking and driving is a dangerous problem that needs to be addressed in our society. Introduction: In 2009, there were ten thousand eight hundred thirty-nine victims in crashes involving a driver with a BAC of .08 or higher which is thirty-two per cent of total traffic accidents for the...
822 Words 2 Pages
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