Essays on Economics

Principles And Components Of International Trading System

Traditionally, trade was regulated through bilateral treaties between two nations. After the World War II, as free trade emerged as the dominant doctrine, multilateral treaties like GATT and WTO became the principal regime for regulating global trade. Trade is a basic economic concept involving the buying and selling of goods and services, with compensation paid...
1922 Words 4 Pages

Overview Of Theories Of Economic Growth By Solow, Kaldor, And Kutzens

Inspired by the works of Harrod and Domar on their model of economic growth, Solow (1956) argues that the long-term instability of this growth is based on an unreliable assumption of the presence of fixed proportions in the production. As his contribution to the theory of economic growth, Solow introduces three viable production functions: (1)...
702 Words 2 Pages

Comparing Fair Trade And Free Trade

When it comes to trade there are 2 main types; free trade and fair trade. Free trade focuses on reducing tariff barriers and policies in certain countries or industries. This means that countries can import and export goods without any restrictions. Fair trade, however, focuses on the rights of workers, improved working conditions and aims...
816 Words 2 Pages

The Augmented Solow Economic Growth Model

The augmented Solow growth model was postulated by Mankiw et al. (1992), it is basically a framework for understanding various growth patterns that occur. According to the augmented SOLOW growth model, assuming that diminishing returns exist for both human and physical capital, growth of the country’s population, the saving rates and most importantly, progression of...
785 Words 2 Pages

America As A Nation Defined By Consumerism

America is a nation defined by consumerism. Today, purchasing goods that are considered “wants” as opposed to “needs” is largely how wealth and social status are represented. This was not always the case in America. Following World War 1, America and the world alike, experienced an extreme economic downturn. This period in history is known...
1725 Words 4 Pages

Utility In Microeconomics

Utility is a significant term while talking about the economy of a nation. So what does utility really mean? The monetary term of utility was begat by eighteenth-century Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli. The utility is the fulfillment a purchaser gets in the wake of utilizing or expending an item which can be as products or...
1488 Words 3 Pages

Microeconomics Essay: Ridesharing Industry In America

Essay Thesis: The industry chosen for this paper is the ridesharing economy, which falls under the gig or sharing economy. The ridesharing economy with key players such as Uber and Lyft has continually led to the decline of the conventional taxi industry. Although the public commends the sector, it has come led to economic disruptions...
673 Words 1 Page

The Idea And Concept Of Consumerism

The term consumerism refers to anything connected with the predominant ideas in our modern society that in order to be happier, better, and more successful people we have to do more stuff. Consumerism has replaced God in life of people (society) instead of inspiring for love and peace, we wish for products which has resulted...
571 Words 1 Page
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