Essays on Economics

Difference Between Oligopoly And Monopolistic Competition

There is always a brand or two that takes the front line when it comes to producing and marketing particular products/services. Such companies are usually as professional as possible. They have a huge deposit of capital for their business, they understand the best strategies and apply it, they have the best employees, and they know...
489 Words 1 Page

Impact Of US Economy To The World

The economic strength of the US became so profound as they have succeeded in facing their challenges to a large extent and influence the global market. Considering certain approach and vestige, this essay would give details in discourse on how the economy of the United States has influenced the world through offering financial support to...
834 Words 2 Pages

On The Relevance Of Human Capital: An Analysis Of The Mankiw, Romer, And Weil Mode

Introduction Proposed more than sixty years ago, the Solow Growth Model still constitutes a solid theoretical base for economic growth discussions. Solow’s capital accumulation-based model has been augmented together with other factors of productivity by several economists in the last fifty years. In line with that, Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (MRW) constructed their growth model...
1624 Words 4 Pages

Trump’s Negative Effect On Global Economy

The year of 2016 witnessed the major global markets- US and UK waver which could be attributed to Brexit and Trump’s election, whilst China positioned itself as an ‘economy to watch out for’. Since then, globalisation appears to be viewed with a negative outlook (Ghemavat, 2017). Jackson (2017) asserts Trump’s belief of free trade and...
1198 Words 3 Pages

Analysis Of Macroeconomics And Construction

Introduction Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, and the variables that control the macro-economy (Chapter 10 Macroeconomic Variables, n.d.). Macroeconomics can be classified as a public good, as it has the unique characteristic of being non-divisible and nonexclusive, meaning it can be shared with all in order to be enjoyed (Chapter...
1978 Words 4 Pages

International Canada's Trade

International Canada’s Trade International Trade: -Universal exchange is the trading of capital, products, and administrations crosswise over worldwide fringes or territories. In many nations, such exchange speaks to a critical offer of (GDP). While global exchange has existed since the beginning (for instance Silk Road, Amber Road, scramble for Africa, Atlantic slave exchange, salt streets),...
1449 Words 3 Pages

International Business: Two Contrasting Businesses That Trade Internationally

International Business Introduction: Within this assignment I will be looking at two contrasting Businesses that trade internationally Why trade internationally? When trading internationally companies can create a greater revenue, it then also enables them security within certain revenue streams, also having a differentiation in products companies can protect themselves from downturns within certain markets. Another...
1825 Words 4 Pages

International Business Strategy Of Google

International strategy – Google: Google LLC (limited liability corporation) is an American multinational company that offers various internet-related services to the public. Alphabet Inc acts as the parent company for Google and many of its subsidiaries after Google LLC decided to create a multinational conglomerate in 2015 (Investopedia, 2019). Youtube, Android, Pixel are some of...
754 Words 2 Pages

History Of Free Trade

One of the most accepted and largest free trade areas was once created by way of the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on Jan. 1, 1994. This settlement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico encourages change between these North American countries. Trade originated with human conversation in prehistoric times. Trading...
1945 Words 4 Pages

International Business: Nike's Business Strategies, Products/services, And Markets

Executive Summary This research report provides detailed business information about Nike including its business strategies, products/services, markets etc. Moreover, the study is also suggests business organizations about the Operational and Strategic Consideration in the global market. On the other hand, this research paper offers in-depth information about the competitive business environment of Nike in the...
1037 Words 2 Pages
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