Essays on Jainism

Jainism And Islam: Views On The Concept Of Ahimsa

Islam and Jainism have similar views on the concept of ahimsa, or nonharm, however, despite these similarities, there are some noticeable differences especially within their perspectives regarding environmental ethics, treatment of animals and self-sacrifice/suicide. Environmental concept Ahimsa can be implied as nonviolence in terms of an environmental perspective. Jains view humanity in nature as interconnected...
2087 Words 5 Pages

Religious Traditions In Jainism

Jainism is a religion that traces back to Ancient India and is practiced by around 5 million people today. The majority of Jains live in India, but there are also small populations living in Europe, Canada, the United States, and Australia. Like Hindus and Buddhists, Jains believe in a cycle of birth and rebirth, with...
408 Words 1 Page

Jainism, Sikhism And Mahayana Buddhism: Comparative Study

Jainism is a belief moved generally in India. A person named Nataputta who got from a family with material assets and wealth found it. He ended up irritable with his force state of living and left his family searching for significant agreement. He took unprecedented measures to deny himself association, for instance, ruminating in the...
515 Words 1 Page

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