Essays on Jan Tschichold

Minimalism In Typography And Graphic Design

In the 1960s, New York in the United States emerged as the centre of the international art scene, overtaking the devastated European market after World War II. It began to present works with the characteristics of simple, geometric form but without artistic content. Minimalist such as Donald Judd, Robert Morris, Dan Flavin, and Frank Stella...

The Bauhaus Art School: History And Impact On Modern Design

The Bauhaus was founded in 1919 in Weimar by architect Walter Gropius with the idea of creating a “total work of art” in which all of the arts, including architecture, were brought together in unity. Upon the creation of his school, Gropius wrote the Bauhaus Manifesto, a guide which proclaimed that “the ultimate aim of...
1935 Words 4 Pages
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