Essays on Life Experiences

Road Accident As a Life-Changing Experience: Personal Statement

Personally I am a very stubborn type of person and being stubborn comes with both merits and demerits. On the merit side, it makes me very confident at the same time it helps me to learn how to make things a reality. I would not say that I have made very careful choices throughout my...
1026 Words 2 Pages

Analytical Essay on The Tea Party: A Social Movement Analysis

The Tea Party (TPM) emerged in the American political sphere out of the ashes of the 2008 financial crisis. It was created out of conservative populist anger towards government bailouts of banks and the economic conditions, that had bestowed American society since the financial crisis had begun. Its emergence took many scholars by surprise, as...
2630 Words 6 Pages

Machine Learning Approach Towards Road Accident Analysis In India

Abstract This paper is an attempt to analyse the performance of four major machine-learning paradigms applied to modelling the occurrence of traffic accidents. The methods considered are support vector machines, decision trees, K-nearest neighbour and logistic regression. For the greatest possible accident reduction effects with limited budgetary resources, it is important that measures be based...
2336 Words 5 Pages

Relation between Surname and Success: Analytical Essay

Does surname predict success? Introduction: A surname initial is not only a simple alphabet but also a success prediction. Names are always listed in alphabetical order for fair reason, which conversely leads to discrimination. This alphabetical discrimination subconsciously has a great impact on social life, whose influences are always negative. It is suggested that ordering...
1568 Words 3 Pages

Defining Career Success and Career Resources: Analytical Essay

Success in any career is the main prospect where everything takes off. In this research. Success is termed as the “accomplishment of an aim or purpose”, but when we study the psychological subjectivities in inside the mind of an employee working in an organization, the whole meaning of the word success becomes a conundrum. Success...
2223 Words 5 Pages

Analytical Essay on Kohlberg’s Five Stages of Moral Development

Introduction Often times we hear adolescents say, “tao lang”, whenever they commit mistakes in their action or in their decision. As if they use the weaknesses of their human nature as an excuse to the wrong action or decision they made. They seem to remove the guilt in their wrong doing and bad decision by...
1305 Words 3 Pages

Analytical Essay on Ignorance, Tyranny and Fanaticism

In this Degree, the three Ruffians represent Ignorance, Tyranny, and Fanaticism, and we are told the Scottish Rite Mason must contend against them. Discuss the nature of these evils and the relationship between them. Is fanaticism ever good? How do we distinguish between fanaticism and zeal? How do we distinguish between ignorance and lack of...
1534 Words 3 Pages
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