Essays on Makeup

Trends in 1920s Makeup: Critical Analysis

The 1920s, also known as the roaring twenties, was a time of a new carefree attitude. Women in this era were named ‘Flappers’. Flappers were known for their energetic freedom and how they embraced their lifestyle. Flappers smoked in public, drank alcohol and danced at jazz clubs. The 20s not only brought about a change...
1042 Words 2 Pages

Beauty and Makeup in Ancient Greece: Analytical Essay

Ancient Greek The ancient Greek idea of beauty consisted of pale skin and gold locks. Pale skin signified prestige and beauty. Women would use White Lead to lighten the shade of their skin. The Lead would be dissolved in water to create a paste, which would then be applied to the face, neck, shoulders and...
475 Words 1 Page

Analytical Essay on Trends in Makeup in 1940s

1940s Makeup of the 1940s was very basic and plain yet classy. Makeup was influenced by a variety of factors, the most important being World War 2. Wartime restrictions gradually impacted everyday life and cosmetics were no exception. The shortages of alcohol meant less perfume. Fats and oils were also in short supply and even...
1066 Words 2 Pages

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