Essays on Philosophical Movements

Confucianism: Short Overview Of Philosophy

Confucianism, a system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and developed by Mencius. Confucianism was based on and created in China & originally made for Chinese society. Is it considered a philosophy, religion, or both? Based on research, Confucianism is considered a philosophy, even though in the far the west it is claimed...
501 Words 1 Page

Utilitarianism: Understanding And Interpretations

Introduction Life is full of unanswered questions that affect our daily lives. Some attempt to research these sometimes-mysterious questions in a quest for truth. Fields of knowledge, like ethics and philosophy, deal with broad questions that involve feelings, morality, and justice. They sometimes use the analytical a priori as a tool, to analyze regarded subjects....
1850 Words 4 Pages

Enlightenment: Developments In Philosophy

Usually, when someone hears the word enlightenment they would think as its a lamp or a light bulb, unlike smart people who actually ask and think and someone will answer them back “the thing you are doing now was the cause of age of reason” so To what extent were the ideas of the enlightenment...
1195 Words 3 Pages

Enlightenment: The Problem Of People's Immaturity

During the Enlightenment age, you learn about reason, nature, happiness, etc. Why? Why should you have to read this essay? Because it teaches a valuable lesson. People grow out of their own immaturity. There are people in our lives that have never questioned anything someone else has told them. Whether it will be a religious...
817 Words 2 Pages

Divinity Within The Woods: The Concept Of Transcendentalism

According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Transcendentalism was a 19th-century literary, philosophical, and reform movement that emphasized the development of the individual as its primary subject of concern” (Wayne 285). In other words, it is a concept that integrates nature, humanity, and divinity onto the same spectrum. Everything is equal if it is given the same...
1735 Words 4 Pages

Enlightenment: Advocacy For A Rational Way Of Thinking And Challenge To The Authority Of Churches

The Enlightenment was a period of intellectual and philosophical developments inspired by the scientific revolution. During this time, reason and science were emphasized over superstitions or other beliefs leading to the increased interest of reform in the society. People were convinced that human conditions could be changed by science and philosophy, and they greatly admired...
762 Words 2 Pages

The Impact Of Confucianism On Chinese Education

Education is one of the most important developments in society. It is not just about reading, writing, and being able to do basic arithmetic. Education allows people the advantage of being the leader of their own lives. Finding out answers to mysteries and curiosities has led our species for hundreds of thousands of years. Gain...
2952 Words 6 Pages

Transcendentalism In Modern Culture

Transcendentalism can be defined by the belief that your intuitive thoughts are more important than knowledge, and is pursued by ‘living deliberately’. Transcendentalism developed five main morals over time. Firstly, non-conformity, the belief that we must follow our hearts and become unalike from everyone else in society. Individualism, the belief that the highest authority is...
904 Words 2 Pages
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