Essays on Political Economy

The Relevance Of Precariousness In Employment Today: Review Of A Scholarly Article By Campbell And Burgess (2018)

The purpose of this report, after reviewing a scholarly article on precarious employment by Campbell and Burgess (2018), is to discuss the central issues highlighted and the relevance of precariousness in employment today. The concept of precariousness in employment embodies work that is unstable and unpredictable in nature, and that is subjected to lower wages...
446 Words 1 Page

Regime Change Attempt Of Costa Rica: Analytical Essay

Research, study and comment on at least one regime change attempt; Capitalist Bloc: The capitalist bloc also known as the Democratic bloc was an alliance of countries such as Greece, Pakistan, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Canada, Turkey that were allied with the United States. Its system of government was democratic. The capitalist bloc opposed Soviet...
1271 Words 3 Pages

Compensation Evaluation: Effective Compensation Strategy

Compensation Evaluation Businesses have a variety of skilled workers, detailed oriented Human Resource department personnel controlling and regulating compensation. The human resource department’s job is to ensure that all employees are treated fair with good employment practices. People can make mistakes from time to time if they are not careful and do not double check...
1109 Words 2 Pages

Employment Relations: Frames Of Reference And Technological Advances

1. Introduction Over the years, there has been a surge of interest placed upon Human Resource Management. In Human Resource Management, due to rapid increase in technology and internationalization of business, the employment relationship is an essential factor in the running of an organisation. Employment relations, which concerns how work and employment relationships are regulated,...
2291 Words 5 Pages

Major Policymaking Techniques In The US

Influencing the creation of things in congress and affecting federal legislation is a considerable challenge. Using certain people and different methods, governing the results of different codification can become increasingly simpler. Some of the readily understood techniques are; specialization, pork barrel legislation, logrolling, party leadership, media, and interest groups. These tactics can lead to a...
530 Words 1 Page

The Impact Of Covid-19 On The Foundation Of Capitalism

This essay will discuss how Covid-19 has challenged the foundation of capitalism with an emphasis on the capitalistic push for profit. This essay will begin by examining the history of capitalism, it will then go to discuss what capitalism is. Thirdly this essay will discuss how covid-19 has affected capitalism and lastly this essay will...
709 Words 2 Pages

The Keynesian Theory And European Unemployment

One key indicator of economic activity is unemployment. Unemployment rate usually rises significantly, during an economic recession then falls as the economy recuperates. Individuals view the typical unemployed worker as suffering long-lasting despair and destitution, so the media publicise high unemployment as a significant social problem. This paper will analyse various economic trends and the...
1057 Words 2 Pages

Youth Unemployment In South Africa

Due to the gradual increase in unemployment rates, which implies individuals having no access to sufficient income, people tend to fall custom to finding refugee in harmful habits, substance abuse in particular. This is why there is a need to study and examine the extent or magnitude of the relationship and drug abuse. The South...
1278 Words 3 Pages

Capitalism As A Model For Global Economy

Introduction When thinking about the reason I chose this topic, it came to my attention that it might have been the fact that I actually believe that, with due time, capitalism will become the chosen model to steer the global economy, with some adaptations of course. This idea enticed me, as it opened an entire...
2034 Words 4 Pages

High Unemployment As An Incentive For Self-employment

From an economic point of view one could argue that in order to overcome unemployment people would choose self-employment. Constant and Zimmermann (2014) call this scenario forced self-employment. Meaning that there is no other source of work available other than self-employment. On the other hand, there is a high risk to take when being self-employed....
1700 Words 4 Pages
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