Protein: The Importance For Our Body

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Protein plays an essential part in ensuring our body can grow, maintain/repair cells, metabolism, digestion, transport of nutrients/oxygen in the blood and produces antibodies used to fight against infections. Proteins also allows us to build and produce new cells, maintain tissue and synthesize new proteins which enable us to complete basic activities. The best sources of protein are found in items such as meat, fish, poultry and dairy. Its more beneficial to eat a variety of protein rich food instead of maybe sticking to 2 this is because some foods high in protein are also considered high in saturated fats which is very bad for the body.

Ideally protein should be consumed every day, however, it is needed in smaller quantities compared to other macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fruits and veg. Nutritionists recommend that we consume around 2-3 servings of meat, poultry and fish. They also suggest that 10-15% of our calorie intake should consist of protein.

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Although protein is critical when it comes to the health and well-being of the body, but it can also be harmful to the body if you consume too much. There are many risks that are related to a high protein diet and these include high cholesterol caused by unsaturated fat which could end up leading to heart disease and strokes. A high proteins diet gives you the greater risk of strain on the liver and kidneys as some foods contain nitrogen. Nitrogen is the reason for the strain on the organs as they are forced to work twice as hard to attempt to remove the nitrogen waste from the body, this stress can later lead to kidney disorders. another high protein related condition is known as gout. Gout is caused by the breaking down of nucleic acid to uric acid. Too much uric acid located in the blood can lead to this extremely painful condition that causes a person’s joints to become inflamed and painful to move. Too much protein can also lead to osteoporosis which is the thinning of the bones this occurs due to the loss of calcium in the bones.

However, not enough protein can also have negative effects on the body for instance the body’s protein store is lost throughout the course of the day and therefore needs replenishing daily too. A lack of protein in a person’s diet can cause skin problems and an unhealthy appearance. This is due to protein being responsible for creating new cells, tissue, hormones and enzymes so a decline in protein can prevent these major processes taking place. A low protein diet is particularly dangerous in young children as they are still growing and developing meaning lack of protein can result in stunted growth or even poor mental development.


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