Essays on Robbery

Robbery: History, Prosecutions And Sentences

This paper will discuss about robbery. Robbery is one of those crimes that people might not know what defines robbery from any other crime. People may not know this, but there are two key factors that play in robbery. According to the book, Peace Officer’s Guide To Criminal Law, by George T. Payton and James...
1756 Words 4 Pages

Concept Of Theft, Burglary And Robbery In India

There is a possibility of exchange of the terms ‘burglary’ and ‘theft’ because the meaning given to them is quite different under insurance policies than that in the statutory meaning. This was done in order to form a standardized definition all over the world. The word ‘burglary’ as used under insurance law means to cause...
641 Words 1 Page

The Law Against Robbery In Malaysia

Commonly, robbery is said to be the action by which a person takes the property which is possessed by other person, by way of force or threatening. In legal perspective, robbery was defined by Mukerji J. in Karali Prasad Dutta v The East India Railway Co to be an illegal taking from other person or...
1359 Words 3 Pages
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