Sir Isaac Newton: The Importance Of His Theories

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Do you ever wonder why when something jumps up it comes down? Well, Sir Isaac Newton came up with that theory, and if you wondered what that theory is, its gravity. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the world’s smartest people. He came up with the foundations of physics and he described the force of gravity. He also invented the first reflecting telescope. He also proved how a white light splits into a rainbow after passing through a prism. If you’re in high school you know and hate this word: Calculus. Yes, Sir Isaac Newton invented Calculus, and that’s why he is considered as one of the smartest people in the world.

Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. In the old calendars, his birth date was sometimes displayed in December. As a child, Isaac Newton Attended a free grammar school, but did not excel in school at the time, but still earned the opportunity to go to a Trinity school. His mom was not willing to pay for him to go there so he had to work as a servant to pay for his school. After being bullied Newton began to push himself ahead of the entire class. At the age of sixteen, Newton’s mom brought him home from school to learn to be a farmer, but Newton wanted to study so he was eventually sent back to prepare for college. In 1661 he enrolled at Cambridge University College. In 1666 Newton’s college was shut down due to the London plague He experiments with the origin of colors and creates what we know as Calculus.

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Isaac Newton completely changed the world with the things he discovered. Newton discovered the Three Laws of Motion, which is the basic idea of modern physics. In mathematics, he was the inventor of calculus. It is one of the most important inventions in the math and science world. Newton also discovered a reflecting telescope. But Newton’s research stopped in 1679 because he had a nervous breakdown. After that happened he spoke out to King James II, who wanted only Roman Catholics to be in powerful government and academic positions. When King James II was later sent out of England, Newton was elected to Parliament. Newton again had another nervous breakdown in 1693, and then retired from research. He died in 1727.

If Sir Isaac Newton didn’t discover the things that he did, the world would be so confused. If he did not invent calculus they wouldn’t know how to determine how particles, stars, and matter move in real-time. Calculus is used in so many things that you would never think the concept of Calculus would be in. If he didn’t discover the Three Laws of Motion then the world’s point of view would be different. Calculus is used in everyday life such as to improve architecture not just buildings but also bridges. Calculus is also used to determine the exact length of power cable needed to connect to substations.

Issac Newton discovered gravity when he saw an apple fall off a tree so he thought about forces of nature. He realized that force must be acting on falling objects like apples because otherwise, they would not start moving from rest. You would normally learn about this when you’re in grade school. It affected the world back then because they didn’t know the basic laws of physics before Newton found it. Nowadays kids learn it in school so everyone has at the least the basic knowledge of gravity.

Isaac Newton, one of the smartest people in the world, is the reason people know gravity. So he made a big impact on the world. I don’t know what it would be like if he didn’t discover it. So Sir Isaac Newton really did prove everyone wrong that he was really smart and could do anything you put your mind to.


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