Water Pollution: Sources, Consequences And Protective Measures

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In Encyclopedia of Marine Science, Robert Glynne, writes about water pollution affects the planet. The article is mainly about people, government agencies and communities throwing, projecting wastes and other polluting substances in water. These toxic substances affect plants and marine animals, but it also affects people. Glynne tell as pollution affects all forms of water in nature, the polluting substance enter in the atmospheric water, in the water leaked to the surface of the soil, in sea water and oceans and in underground water. In summary, water pollution affects the quality of life on world scale, because without water does not exists life and water quality are degraded due to pollutants.

Pollution has become the most debated issue which threaten the planet. Creatures and water are inseparable, that is why people must have to find a solution to protect the water from pollutants.

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The aim of this report is to describe water pollution, water ensures the existence of life on earth and the development of all biological processes. Even if water pollution affects the population directly or indirectly, they must to know the dangers, the sources and the effects on them.

This essay is divided into three main sections.

Firstly, the consequences of water pollution are multiple, aquatic animals are affected, the contamination of vegetables and fruits, most diseases are caused by the fact that people drink water contaminated with chemicals. Borys (2014) reported that the Black Sea is the most polluted sea in the world, half of the waste in Europa is in the Black Sea. The saddest is that ninety per cent of the Black Sea is devoid of live.

Secondly, are a complex range of source that pollute water. For instance, household waste, agrozootechnical and industrial residues, throwing of solid waste, leakage of oil products, acid rain and a considerable number of other consequences. The United Nations Environment Program has claimed that more 18.000 plastic waste floats every kilometre in the planetary ocean.

Thirdly, the most important protective measures must be taken. For example, use of modern water purification technologies, the application of legislative measures to polluting enterprises, monitoring the amount of water, building dams, the construction of special waste collection basins. Agency Associated Press reported that there are certain species of fish that monitor the quality of drinking water, the fish are kept in a tank that is supplied with water that feeds the city, when fish are in the presence of toxin, they change their way of swim, pulse and breathing. The fish detected the presence of toxins two hours before the apparatus.

From my own point of view water pollution is a serious problem for the ecology of the earth and should be resolved on a large scale, that is the state and the enterprises, but also to the level of every human being.


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